Colleges that have audio engineering majors in WV?


Jan 21, 2010
I've been looking around and can't find any at all.
I have another year of high school to go (I'm currently in 11th), but I would like the comfort of there being a in-state school that I could apply to that has what I want.

Does anyone here go to a college in West Virginia for audio engineering?
Not sure about West Virginia schools, but close to West Virginia is Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester, VA. I went there and had a good time.
I checked out their website and it looks like a pretty nice place, but I need to go to a college in-state because I wouldn't be able to get the extra money for going elsewhere.
Thanks, though!
go to school for business and learn on your free time/get an internship in audio.
People have suggested that I should go to school for business.

What are the benefits of this and would it really be the better route to go?
People have suggested that I should go to school for business.

What are the benefits of this and would it really be the better route to go?

My advice is do what you want to do...however...the music industry is insane. Finding a job in a recording studio is so incredibly difficult to do. Even finding an internship is hard to do. It is possible, but it will take a ton of extra work.

If I were to do it all over again, I would not have majored in music. I would have done something relating to computers. Finding a job in the tech industry is much easier than finding a job in the audio industry. I would love to make a career out of audio engineering, but I really think that keeping it a hobby while going to college for a "real job" is a better idea.

On the flip side of that though, I made a ton of friends, which turn into contacts for projects and definitely learned a lot and got a decent amount of hands on that I wouldn't have gotten if I did not go to school.

Definitely positives and negatives to each situation but do what you feel is best for you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
My mom knows someone who I could possibly get an internship with who works (mostly) with live audio..?
And I don't think there's one legit recording studio in my area at all.
Every time my band has gone to record with someone it was a pretty long drive and the results were awful because it was from an unexperienced guy who had no clue what he was doing. We've even paid this guy: 300$ for a song and got back terrible results.

I wouldn't mind doing something related to computers and having AE as a hobby. But, then again I would also love being a full time AE, considering the amount of people doing it and not even being all that great at it.
I am a junior in college. I was set on doing music for a while. Then, freshman year in college I realized how dumb it was and potentially incredibly unrewarding, so I switched to business. I personally hate math, so I just switched to legal studies and if music/recording doesn't pan out for me, I'm probably going to law school.

My band mate is in Versaemerge (Fueled by Ramen) and he told me straight up that music is not something you study, it's something you do.
One of my friends got a 4 year degree in audio engineering, couldn't find a related job, and now he works 3rd shift at Meijer, and is considering going back to school AGAIN for a better degree.

Learn your AE skills yourself, get a degree you can fall back on. You are what you make yourself in this business... most people that are successful own their own studios, I know very few AEs that have ended up working for somebody else. It's extremely rare, unless you partner up with someone you already know and go at it together.