

enchanted daily
Feb 26, 2004
lonGiland, NY
"Like walking through the snow...its purity is stained"

well first i cant get over how great that acoustic version was of 'Colors Fade'

Second...........i get back from beautiful sunny Oakland to my NY stomping grounds (hardly) and the first day back, the white stuff is coming down, 3 days later, again, the snow is coming down thick & cakey.
Welcome back to New York!

Now aside from the annoyances this creates, (and it does), I wouldnt give it up for anything.....the way each barren branch is half frosted in pure white, just clinging on to each detail....contrasting in every view in shades of dark and light.
Nothing more pure could (or does) fall down upon us.
Sunny Cali's nice, but this is just a serene winter wonderland right now..........for now, until they start spreadin' dirt all over the place and i'm out there shovelin' this "heavier than it seems" white stuff off my car, but its not SO bad, and i'd really like to have a snowball fight right now.

Well i've said my piece, and i do hope this subsides sooner than later, cause it doesnt get any nicer and i've got to trek out to work (blech) lateron and sure it'd be nice back in sunny Oakland. Of course it 'd also be nice to be throwing snowballs at Enchant :err: (with love of course). And these colors will eventually fade and seasons will grow.

And yes, i will laugh to myself as folk complain about the weather, because no, there is nothing anyone can do about it.....xept live with it. ;)
Aaron, dude, I take that as a challenge! Next time we see each other and there is
any white stuff on the ground, there will be some serious showers of snowballs! Of
course, the rest of Enchant will probably join you in pelting me with them. :)

I kind of miss shoveling my driveway and car, getting stuck in snowdrifts, driving
crazy in virgin parking lots...well, some of it I miss, anyway.
alright Billy, its ON then! The challenge has been set man. If the situations present themselves....then the snow shall fly.

Sometimes the only time i get 'out' in the snow is to do shovelin'. I'll take it as a challenge and physch myself up for it sometimes, just like any activity i get involved in.

I miss the days when snow meant a day off from school and unbridled trouncing around all day followed by some hot chocolate----but hey, u'r never too old for that. Of course donuts and E-brake slides in the parking lot always have there place --Aaron