Most underrated Enchant song is...

"To me, Enchant´s most underrated song is "In the Dark". In my humble opinion, one of their definite crowning achievements as far as lyrics and emotion are concerned. NO ONE ever mentions it. :("

Abso-friggin'-lutely. My fav ENCHANT song and one of my fav songs ever. Everything is right about that song. And the lyrics have basically been a representation of the way my life has gone over the past year, and especially in the last month.
DTArtstar said:
And Ted, when that guy shouted for The Lizard at NEARfest 2002, you should've listened to him! :tickled: Just kidding, it's good but My Enemy is just a notch higher on the amazing goodliness level
Hey!..that was ME!..hehe..I LOVE The Lizard. I played it on my radio show atleast once. I also played a number of songs people mention on this thread on-the-air, lol, and I've come to the conclusion EVERY SONG Enchant has done is underated!..hehe. choices though would probably be:

Standing Ground, Mettle Man
Open Eyes, Nighttime Sky
Fade 2 Grey

but I'd probably include a lot more if I spun every Enchant disc 1 time through.

Maybe the band should be re-named "Enchan-underated"..hehe :grin:
