My personal Enchant Story started in the Summer of 1996 just when Wounded was released. At that time I saw a review of Wounded and thought:"OK give it a Chance". I was very very surprised of what I heared and I loved it. A few Months later I found Blueprint and was a little bit disapointed, mainly about the Recording Quality. But after several times listening I got into it. (Aquaintance and Nighttime Sky are my faves). I think it was in 1997 when I saw Enchant live for the first time.
Dream Theater played the new song for the Infinity Album and you were supporting them. O man, my favorite Bands in my home city (Nuernberg) in one show. (As I remenber I was as about the only one to know your music). Later in the year you released "Time Lost", which was my favorite in my vacation to Italy. (The Music fitted perfectly to the warm and sunny Weather

The "Juggling 9 or dropping 10" CD came very surprisingly to me, and It was worth all time of waiting. An absolutly gread CD. You can imagine a man walking through town, singing "colors fade". Your latest release is also great. It show your wide range in musikal skills. My best regards to Paul. I loved his drumming skills although Sean does a very good job.
OK, so far so good. My all time faves are: Nighttime Sky, Look away, Pure, Distractions, New Moon, Mettle Man, My Enemy, Colors Fade, Know That, Monday.
I hope to see you again live, but this time not only as a supporting act. This Band is far to good.
Ohh, about my nick. I used it for many years so far but thats another story.
Thank you for listening to my Story.
Thank you for a great Version of Pink Floyds "Us an Them".