Favorite Enchant Song?

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I'm really sorry if this has been posted here before, I haven't been here in awhile. Also, EP, Ted, Doug, and Sean feel free to have some input as to what song that you guys have created that appeals most to you.

I'm torn a bit on which to choose of three... Fade 2 Grey, The Thirst, and New Moon. Although, if I HAD to choose, I'd probably put them in that order. I just LOVE Fade 2 Grey and I really wish I had the guitar tab for that song, becuase I'd love to attempt to play it.

So what do you say? Favorite Enchant song? and again I apologize if this subject has been beaten to death already.

Man it's really hard to choose : I would prefer to give a couple of songs for each record so here are my favorites songs :

- A Blueprint Of The World : At Death's Door & Open Eyes

- Wounded : Hostile World (Ed, the bass intro rules man !) & Pure

- Time Lost : Interact kicks ass and also has wonderful lyrics (dare I say as usual :p ) & New Moon and I'd add Standing Ground for the lyrics… _

- Break : arrrrgh tough choices to make :mad: but I would say King & Surrounded although the whole album has nothing to throw away

- Juggling 9 Or Dropping 10: Rough Draft & Bite My Tongue (The Santana Section is wonderful) and honorable mention for Paint The Picture ;)

- Xen : And yeah I included Xen as well : Find A Way & She Plays (here again the whole album kicks asses)

What about you guys ?


Mettle Man
Standing Ground
Fade 2 Grey
Open Eyes
Nightime Sky
The Thirst
The Lizard
What To Say


As Blueprintman dide, i'll name a few from each record.. !

Wounded: 1st album i bought, 1st i fell in love with, Belo

Hmmm, nice mess i did :)

Ok, completing

Wounded: Below Zero, Fade 2 Grey

ABOTW: The Thirsty, Catharsis, Open Eyes

Time Lost: Under The Sun

Break: My Enemy, In The Dark

Juggling: Paint The Picture, Colors Fade, Bite My Tongue

Blink: ???