Colour Haze - s/t


Gogol Bordello
Mar 28, 2002
I saw this band live with Los Natas yesterday, and i immediately bought their same titled album that was released this year.
Its an AMAZING piece of work, something like hippie/kraut oriented heavy rock.
Imagine Kyuss if they had a lethal doze of psychedelic rock within their music and some kraut rock melodies. 100% guitar oriented music, tremendously inspiring melodies and incredible 60s/70s feeling. The hippie aura is present not only in the music but in the lyrics too (its the hippiest album of the 00s probably). Definetally the best non-metal album i heard this year. Recommended to the usual suspects who are into the sounds i mentioned.
Yes i got that one too. I dont know if it is better, since it focuses more on the psychedelic part of the music, and "Colour Haze" balances between psychedelic and heavy rock. It is great of course, but this one here is more mature and the epitome of this sound imo.
Since you are a heavy rock/doom metal fan , you might know MONOLITH ( a Greek stoner/doom webzine. Their Album of the year for 2003 was Los Sounds De Krauts.
IOfTheStorm said:
Imagine Kyuss if they had a lethal doze of psychedelic rock within their music and some kraut rock melodies. 100% guitar oriented music, tremendously inspiring melodies and incredible 60s/70s feeling. The hippie aura is present not only in the music but in the lyrics too (its the hippiest album of the 00s probably).
okay ummmm, jeopardy style:

this album is SMOKIN.

what is the coloUr haze self titled?


:Smokedev: <-- this album
:kickass: <-- me
this is very natural sounding, nothing forced at all. the hippie vibe is strong in this one...

no bullshit guitar rock! nothing to prove, just play them shitz and let it flow. very cool find!
okay it finished. fucking wow man. great stuff that i'm looking forward to exploring when i buy a proper copy. :)
This is probably album of the year, not to mention that Colour Haze is probably one of the greatest bands of all time- I'm so jealous that you got to see them live.