Come OOOON!!


Feb 10, 2003
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Got tickets for the London show booked today and the album's out in 2 fucking weeks!! Woo hoo! Haven't downloaded anything from WCFYA. Just heard What Doesn't Die, oh and that live Superhero from last year (So I guess I did download summat. Shit. I completely learned my lesson with downloading before the last Dream Theater album came out. Just wasn't the same when I got it in my hands, ya know?).

I missed the Thrax when they came here for Volume 8 (one of the best albums of all time) and have NEVER seen them. Got into them in 1986 with Spreading The Disease - the second "heavy" metal album I ever heard after Reign In Blood. Before those two, Iron Maiden was the heaviest thing I'd heard. So, to cut a long story short, I am just fucking so excited to be seeing them in a month's time! Got the day off work, gonna go up London with me buddy Jon, have some beer, eat some steak, and get some Thrax.

Also, The Haunted's new cd is out on Mon 17th in the UK. There's another great band. Check em out if you're into Slayer, Testament, Anthrax. Real, proper, no-bullshit quality metal. Those fuckers can play. And they're playing over here at the tail end of Feb. A happy metal end to the winter, my friends.

...welcome Evildave...I to am waiting for the album, its like when your young and you look for christmas presents and you find them, come christmas morn your just left with a feeling of utter indifference...

....I'm seeing 'Thrax in wolves and I see The Haunted in Birmingham.......

I knew this board was lacking something...more English people!...
i am seeing the thrax in bradford, bristol and london

if i could afford it i would have gone to glasgow wolverhampton and manchester too........

those boys just don't hit our shores often the motorhead tour last year, its been 5 years !!! thats too fuckinlong man...... gotta see as much as i can before they bugger off for a while again.......

mmmmmmm this tour is gonna kill us all......

as for the album, its soooooooooooooo worth the wait, its absolutely amazing.....
Thanks for the welcome, all. Hail To England! Ooo, Manowar. Now there's fun. :lol:

Last time I saw the Haunted was in a shitty pub in my home town of High Wycombe. Fucking surreal having them play in your local (sort of).

I envy you guys, I wish I lived in the UK. There's so many great bands over there, not the crap we have here in the US. Just a few I really like- The Wildhearts (my faves, cheap trick but heavier), Hundred Reasons, Lostprophets, The Music, Three Colors Red, Vex Red, Miocene (Tool reborn), The Yo-Yo's (r.i.p.). The UK rules!!