Come up with witty taglines

Royal Carnage: Swing If You're Glad To Be Gay!
Henrik Main's pretty cool tbh
Royal Carnage: Trading activities are being monitored through the surveillance terminal to ascertain that there are no illegal postings and dealings made in any of the issues listed in the Exchange.
My Pants Keep Falling Down
You gotta laugh I know, but I was just wondering where the quote "4 more years" was used to comedic effect. I remember quoting it to that guy defending Soilwork....some reverend black dude I think, hehe.
exactly, and that's why it funny.

JayK: "Yeah, Bush is a dullard, but i'd bang his daughters. 4 more years!"
I assume a lot are guests, and there seems to be a pretty decent following of registered users that are non-posters.

Are you still keeping track of how many hits/visitors we get?
Yeah it dropped a bit over the last several months, haha....we get on average 200-300 unique visitors (IP addresses) a day. Our peak was 400 circa Iron Maiden feature.

Yeah, lots of guests are almost certainly coming in from the 'zine link to the forum. They read our threads and never return.
Fuck me that's a lot of people. I'm guessing when this remodel gets underway we'll all be acting young dumb and full of cum again like it was a year and a half ago. :)
JayKeeley said:
They read our threads and never return.
:lol: Visit the majestic forum! Run away screaming!
One Inch Man said:
Fuck me that's a lot of people. I'm guessing when this remodel gets underway we'll all be acting young dumb and full of cum again like it was a year and a half ago.
Actually, when we were all 'gung-ho geronimo', I was hoping the headcount would keep increasing after Iron Maiden....

...and then the promos starting flooding in. :ill:

Can I just say that I've seen Erik's work in progress and it is outstanding. All served from a database too - man, to see PHP references in the HTTP addresses is a sight to behold. I've even seen the data entry's going to be awesome.

In any case, like I said in the RC e-mail a couple of days back, soon we will have an opportunity to purge ourselves from our shit reviews and migrate only the good ones. You know, the ones that contain an actual description about the album. :loco:
My Gruntsplatter review WILL be a part of the new site, 2 sentences or not. :tickled:

I'm going to refresh all my scores and maybe add a few lines to some of the shorter ones, it might actually make for a good time to revisit shite promos and give them another go. See if it makes them worth keeping. Stuff like Ektomorf though, ugh. BANI-SHED!
I'm refreshing all my scores, editing some reviews, and leaving a bunch of reviews out altogether - whether they be for promos or not. I'm such a perfectionist. *sigh*

EDIT: By the way, new site won't allow for scores like '7.9' or '3.45' anymore. It's all whole and half numbers now, and it's from a drop down. That means we can annotate scores with real meaning too -- as an example, a score of '0' implies "what the fuck?".
YES!!! Even though the reasoning is unrelated, I finally won the battle for eliminating stupid decimal scores!!! Even if this means the sacrifice of my :yuk: / 10 and |-x| + 2y / 10 scores.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: