
I watched it a few times. That lead woman is evil!!

Bugger me, how could I forget I'm Alan Partridge?! I agree, it is possibly the funniest comedy series ever made.
I'm watching the first series of Arrested Development at the moment. Picked it up for about $20 at HMV a couple of years back but never got around to watching it. It's quite funny.
The Goodies, Monthy Pythons Ripping Yarns. Believe Nothing , We can Be Heros, Kath & Kim, Chaser, The Late Show, The D-Generation are few of mine that havent been mentioned
Curb Your Enthusiasm is really good. I have the first four series on DVD but I've only watched the first two so far. It can be very stressful to watch sometimes - not nearly as stressful as Fawlty Towers though.

Best episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm (that I've seen) is Beloved Aunt.

Curb is awesome.
Beloved Aunt is a good episode, but really, Seasons 3 and 4 are on a whole new level. The first 2 seasons were good, but 3 and 4 are fucking hilarious. The final episode of Season 3 is soo funny. And likewise the whole Mel Brooks/Ben Stiller/David Schwimmer/Producers and Larry David plot of season 4 :headbang:

Season 5 I still liked, but probably the worst season.

I like Susie Green. "Where's the fucking doll you fat shit, and you four eyed fuck!" :lol:

TODD: Preach it brother.

I cannot stand Kath and Kim. Really, I absolutely hate that shit
Cannot stand Kath and Kim - and only know of one person who enjoys them. (my sis)
I've never seen it! :headbang: I don't think I'd like it anyway.

Oh yeah, Ripping Yarns! I haven't seen that in maybe 15 years. Great show!

Who else watched The League of Gentlemen? Wrathy did, right? The first series was the best. They tried to too hard to shock after that.
Kath & Kim will be on Seven soon, Matt. Not sure when. Can't say I care.

League of Gentlemen is awesome! :headbang: First two series were great, third was just plain weird. :)
How about films - what are some funny ones? I find it harder to find funny films than tv shows.
Well obviously Anchorman. That movie is too funny.

Jackass 2 if it counts...

Cobra always makes me laugh as well. Hard.

Oh, and Tango & Cash.

Anchorman was meh in my opinion. Im still waiting for Will Ferrell to make a really good comedy. He was so good on Saturday Night Live but has not yet transfered it over to film.

It's hard to go past the classics like King Of Comedy with De Niro, Animal House, Caddyshack, Airplane!, Revenge Of The Nerds 1 and 2, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep (not that new Kiwi movie), Office Space, National Lampoon's Chevy Chase stuff, Sixteen Candles etc etc