Coming soon to the intrawebs:

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Exact date and title pending, of course.


32,486 words, including references. Before editing and proofing, mind you, so the exact number will be different.

Impure Metal was 20,366 words including references.

It was decided to go ahead and prepare this for internet release because it will still be awhile before the next print issue comes together, and I thought a little announcement beforehand was in order to prepare everyone. Let your blood simmer for a little while, because soon it will be boiling. :D
Well...that is one way of putting it I guess.:lol:

It is about much, much more than that I'm afraid. I'll be interested to read your reaction this time around, Mr. Mech. It is written from the same perspective as "Impure Metal," but about something that should concern everyone who cares about music--at least I think so.

If nothing else, you will know exactly why Relapse Records is re-releasing the motion picture soundtrack to Dolemite without me even mentioning it (was in a ad I encountered today).
Jim LotFP said:

I wonder why they still have to mention Dave's article at all even though they claim that they don't have anything to do with such "purity"-concerns.
Is it because they still want to possess the term metal, but without the negative connotations to not drive away the indie-kids, while at the same time maybe luring one or another metal fan into that mediocre mix of loose psychedelic and heavy rock bits masked as "authentic".
Dungen or Wolfmother have nothing to offer but references to things heard before, which were usually better. In that way, they are the Hammerfalls of their style.
^truer words have never been said.

There's a fine line between saluting the metal canon and reveling in cheap nostalgia to make a quick buck. More than likely, if your 'throwback' band was formed in 2001 or later, you're doing the latter more than the former..
You know what I don't like about all these bands? - Their apparently ironic stance towards metal. Irony takes away the seriousness of your music, and in this case, it also serves well to say later on - once the fad is over - things like: "Oh it wasn't meant this way, it was a joke." Thus, they become intangible and free from reproach...well, credible for their own clientele at least.
Occam's Razor said:
I wonder why they still have to mention Dave's article at all even though they claim that they don't have anything to do with such "purity"-concerns.
The truth is hard to ignore. I have many theories about why they decided to mention me by name, and one is that they thought making me part of the story would complicate matters for me. They thought that I could be fed into the maw of a nihlistic and narcissistic postmodernism, which can be summed up in a line from an Outback Steakhouse ad: "No Rules, Just Right," and be made in to something tame and harmless (there have been numerous piss-ant potshots directed at me in Decibel without mentioning me by name since that review was published). They were wrong though.

Occam's Razor said:
Dungen or Wolfmother have nothing to offer but references to things heard before, which were usually better. In that way, they are the Hammerfalls of their style. are going to find the article very interesting.

Occam's Razor said:
You know what I don't like about all these bands? - Their apparently ironic stance towards metal. Irony takes away the seriousness of your music, and in this case, it also serves well to say later on - once the fad is over - things like: "Oh it wasn't meant this way, it was a joke." Thus, they become intangible and free from reproach...well, credible for their own clientele at least.
Let me rephrase that--you are going to get one hell of a kick out of this article. :)