So the new issue's sent to the printer, and I'm very nervous...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... website will be updated tonight with the new issue cover and such.

But... wow. Wow. The Sonata Arctica interview tape was fried so instead of 2-3 hours to transcribe it, it took TWO DAYS, which destroyed my finishing up, and more importantly, proofreading time because I thought I'd be done with the interview by the time I went to bed Thursday, not after I came home from work Saturday night. I did put a disclaimer in the credits, but I did this entire issue in two weeks, same font as last issue. The final two pieces, the Finland trip and the 'explanation text' for the magazine thing, haven't been gone over a couple times like the other stuff had. bleh. Last issue's proofing seems to have only been caught on 'missing' words in a sentence (I hate when I words out) from what I've seen after the fact.

So I finished it all about 2am last night. Read through it, but of course I was tired, but I was convinced I'd caught any really stupid problems, and put in the 'Proofread By: A Blind, Dyslexic Monkey' to acknowledge there will likely be some stupid spelling errors as usual. It was ready to go, printed out, and put in the envelope.

I Fedex'd it to the printer today (deadline was today so I'm ssttrreetcchhiinnggg it), and as soon as I did, I started freaking. "Did I catch ALL the 'xxxx' to-be-filled-in-later marks? Did I make well enough sure the Finland piece was a humorous look at how alien a foreign culture seemed to me and not coming across as an all-out xenophobic assault on the Finns? I didn't leave any hanging unfinished sentences, did I?"

bleh. One thing I'm sure I did was not give UM's own Mark Bridgeman his public thanks for getting me from Heathrow to Gatwick on my return trip from Finland passing through London. The way there was full of disaster and drama so I played that up, the way back was smooth and without incident and I didn't figure out a way to put it neatly after the Sonata interview. So salute him.

And cross your fingers that I didn't leave anything mightily stupid in there. Another 35000 words done in two weeks (avg LotFP Weekly word count was 14-15000 so these new things are well above two old weeks' worth of material) and for the July issue to be on time, I'll be doing it another 35000 words for two weeks from now.

ay ay ay. At least I'll have the full month for the August issue so I'll have time to breathe. I need a live-in proofer. argh.


However, the interviews do all rock mightily so that's good. heh