Commando... possibly funniest movie line ever???


Holy shit.
Aug 27, 2002
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Ahahaha... who's seen this movie???
Arnold's fighting with this big black dude, the black guy pulls out a gun, points it to Arnold's face and says "Fuck you asshole"... *click*, gun's empty. Arnold looks at the black dude... "No. Fuck YOU asshole"... HAHAHAHAHA what a classic line man Arnold's one funny motherfucker... go here to listen to it if you don't know what I'm talking about Fuck YOU asshole
classic line from Commando, right after throwing a pipe through a guy, and a bunch of steam is pouring out through the pipe:

"Let off some steam Bennett"

Or when he's holding the guy above the cliff by his ankles:

Guy: "I thought you said you'd kill me last"
Arnold: "I Lied" (then he drops him)

Awesome stuff.
as jimbob said, that "let out some steam bennet" is the best fucing line. how 'bout in Eraser when the bad guys car is stuck on some train tracks and gets hit by a train. someone asks Arnie "what happneed to so and so?" to which he repleis "he caught the last train". :lol: oh my god! excelent
i used to watch commando almost everyday
I've lost count on how many times I've seen Commando. Did you guys know that Alyssa Milano played Arnold's daughter in that movie? On one scene Arnold fell on Alyssa's leg and broke it.
Distorted: I knew it was Alyssa, but I never heard about the broken leg thing.

Nevermore26: Yeah, Running Man was right, your quote is from Predator, so easy.

Another great Predator quote, not involving Arnold though:
You're hit man; you're bleeding.
I ain't got time to bleed.
Oh yeah? You got time to duck?

Ah, awesome stuff. Does anyone remember what Arnold says in Total Recall after he holds the guy hanging out of the elevator until his arms get chopped off and his body falls (bad guy played by Michael Ironside)? I can't remember it, but it was pretty classic I think.
Kinda irrelevant but has anyone seen the movie Omega Doom? It's from 1996... It was on tv a couple of years ago and I saw it not knowing what it was and it has to be one of the worst movies ever made. Funny thing is I managed to watch the whole thing from beginning to end.