Me and my partner at the studio are putting a compilation together for the troops. There will be around 11-12 pittsburgh metal/rock/hardcore bands on it that we've recorded. We will be shipping 500-1,000 over seas to the troops as a thank you. We will be selling them locally for $5 and hopefully getting it nationally through a distribution company. All proceeds go to the families of deceased and wounded soldiers through a charity. I have a deadline for the audio to be finished and ready to be mastered by august 1st, and it will hopefully be ready to ship out by sept 1st. Its a great cause, money for families of troops, music for soldiers, great exposure for local bands. I will keep anyone updated on the comp if interested to buy. My goal is to have you goons go into your local record store and see it on the counter.
some people still do care and appriciate what these guys are doing for us!
some people still do care and appriciate what these guys are doing for us!