Compensating the roundtrip latency when re-amping?

Sep 18, 2008
How do you do this, if you do?

I suppose even with the minimun buffersettings / short cables etc the roundtrip latency is something from 5-10ms in native world and in my cases this has always been audible..

I've mostly dragged my regions beforehand, but I always feel I'm still loosing the original feel and groove.

Any special tricks in mind?
Or you can calibrate your DAW by sending 1 sample impulse (but I`m using short sample like kick) and record response, then using obtained offset value in Record Shift setting (in Cubase, for example) or similar in other DAWs.
If your DAW compensates for ASIO buffer delay, which I imagine it does, the only delay you need to "worry" about is the D/A time, mic distance time, then A/D time. Probably no more than 10ms

If you really want to be sure, use a little tick like the others said.
If your DAW compensates for ASIO buffer delay, which I imagine it does, the only delay you need to "worry" about is the D/A time, mic distance time, then A/D time. Probably no more than 10ms

If you really want to be sure, use a little tick like the others said.

Yep, I tested this a while back (Pro Tools MP) and only had 6 samples of latency from the conversion, as the DAW compensates for the buffer delay.

So the only difference would be the distance from the cab to the mic. But that's a factor you'd be dealing with when just mic'ing the cab while tracking and not reamping anyway. Assuming your mic is closer than a foot away from the cab that's a delay of less than 1ms.

I suspect that the loss of feel and groove could all be in your head, as sounds that are closer than 30ms apart are perceived as one sound (Haas effect)
Maybe these 6 samples just does not accounted in drivers, actually most converters have much large group delays, according to datasheets.
Depends on drivers, some drivers only reports buffer size to host, some includes additional delays. For example some RME interfaces have first behavior, some second (according to manuals). My ESI card also reports only buffer size to host.
Big thanks for all the answers..! Did some tests yesterday and outputting the transient on DI track and aligning by it did the job. First time I feel the original groove is spot on..