
hey Duncan, nice to see you posting here. Saw your last post in the guestbook of the german anathema site. There is not much action, you know, unfortunately, as you can see there is still no response to Vincent's post or yours. But it's a cool site isn't it?

Cheers Morpheus
yeah i just realized from the other thread! duncan, it's you. yeah, thanks, i'll send my name and address...
hey please drop by here a lot. i had already opened a "questions for duncan thread" for you thinking that you frequent these boards...i mistook someone else for you.
Originally posted by Strangelight
Thanks for entering, I'll sell your addresses to dodgy marketing companies now:cool:

anyway, it's a shame i can't send my name to this competition things cause i think if i won everybody would say it's cheating :mad:
Originally posted by Strangelight
Dont be upset Mehdi! Youre still our favourite:D
Your typing is so special to me;)

ah i know my best internet angel of friendship, but since i started to drink buckfast i see things so differently o_O :s
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e

ah i know my best internet angel of friendship, but since i started to drink buckfast i see things so differently o_O :s

when we next meet I'll take you to the tattoo parlour and we'll get matching BUCK FAST tattoos across our knuckles:)

Then we'll think of each other wherever we are:D aaaahhh!
Originally posted by Strangelight
when we next meet I'll take you to the tattoo parlour and we'll get matching BUCK FAST tattoos across our knuckles:)

Then we'll think of each other wherever we are:D aaaahhh!

yeah and each time i'll crack me knuckles i'll think of the tiny sound of you walking in the corridor of my thoughts :oops:
is there any chance that you guys [Light & Strangelight] are from the same family? you got the same last name :confused:

ho ho ho :tickled: :eek:
Originally posted by Strangelight
The lucky winner:D is


Damn. That was my last hope to get that record. The only shop here in Finland where I've located "Saviour" is a dodgy mail-order company which stole my money last time i ordered from there. My life have lost it's meaning :cry: