Complete albums to listen to while driving


Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
I'm going on a road trip for 3 weeks and I'll have a lot of time to listen to music. I like a few different genres of metal.


What are some quality albums all the way through that I can just put on and listen to for 30 mins to an hour. Non-surface level stuff would be great.

TBH I'd like to focus more on Progressive side, being mixed with the other genres. Prog thrash, prog death, prog doom etc.

I have like 7 GB free on the 32GB iPod for this. Bands that mix in classical or jazz elements with extreme metal are a plus. For example Athiest.

I like mostly harshish vocals with some singing. If a singer is Very good I enjoy it, but if they're nasally or whiny I often just give up on the band. Clean mixed with harsh can be a nice contrast, for example Ne Obliviscaris or Anciients.
These are the albums I regularly listen to in my car:

Atrox - "Terrestrials"
Madder Mortem - "Deadlands"
Madder Mortem - "Eight Ways"
Midnattsol - "Nordlys"
Midnattsol - "The Metamorphosis Melody"
Mortillery - "Murder Death Kill"
Mortillery - "Origin of Extinction"
Stolen Babies - "There Be Squabbles Ahead"
Stolen Babies - "Naught"

And an album I used to listen to a lot in my car in the past is:

Fear of God - "Within The Veil"

I assume you are already familiar with Mortillery. Midnattsol are probably not your cup of tea, because they feature clean female vocals and don't fit any of the subgenres you mentioned. The albums by Atrox, Madder Mortem, Stolen Babies and Fear of God I mentioned all have in common that they are IMO very original and the singers cover a wide vocal range. The songs on most of these albums sound very different from each other. The music on "Terrestrials" is Progressive Metal. I'd also label Madder Mortem as Progressive Metal, yet not in the sense that bands like Dream Theater or Fates Warning are labeled "progressive", but more in the original sense of the word, i.e. they have developped a style of their own and changed it a bit from album to album. Stolen Babies are (among other things) labeled Progressive Metal, Avantgarde Metal and Experimental Metal. As regards "Within The Veil", I don't really know how to label it properly. While there's some Thrash Metal, it's definitely much more. It's one of the most original metal albums I've ever heard, especially as regards the vocals of Dawn Crosby (R.I.P.).