Complete Power Metal Song, First Real Mix Input Desired


New Metal Member
Aug 25, 2008
Hi, my cousin and I have been working on some new music in a Power Metal style and we just finished up our first complete song. I recorded and mixed everything myself and I don't pretend to be very good at recording so any critique of the mix or song itself are very much appreciated.

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No breakdowns and no 8 string guitars = no attention lol. I don't have a mix critique, but I just wanted to say the song slays.
This is actually very impressive! I like the mixing, it gives a nice "old-school" vibe. Keep at it!
Don't worry that's how it is here overall...
if you edit everything to the grid and chop notes making them sound like midi you're God, otherwise you're shit lol

The most incredible shit today it´s when someone says that the song would be much better without anyone singing.

Today no one praises anymore a really skilled singer over a cookie monster and that´s sad. This is very true when comes to metal.

Youtube comments are full of this retarded point of view. It´s so common that seems like a standard rule for metal bands. If you have someone trying to sing, even if its great, the people will say that sounds like shit and kills the song, bla bla but if you have someone screaming the shit of it without any dynamic, interest. Oh yeah that´s awesome. :Puke:
Sounds great, especially performance-wise. I'd get the bass and guitars louder in comparison to the way drums (the snare in particular is pretty loud) and vocals are sitting right now.

EDIT: That singer's got it. Great job!
The most incredible shit today it´s when someone says that the song would be much better without anyone singing.

Today no one praises anymore a really skilled singer over a cookie monster and that´s sad. This is very true when comes to metal.

Youtube comments are full of this retarded point of view. It´s so common that seems like a standard rule for metal bands. If you have someone trying to sing, even if its great, the people will say that sounds like shit and kills the song, bla bla but if you have someone screaming the shit of it without any dynamic, interest. Oh yeah that´s awesome. :Puke:

Totally agree with you!
Probably us old school sneapsters like it old school :p

Awesome job and awesome singer!
I would humanize the drums a bit more though, it's a little distracting how everything is pretty much the same velocity throughout the whole song