Completely Non-Metal Project, need help/tips!


Dec 18, 2006
Hi guys.
I'm tracking a completely non-metal band right now, but I need some help as with what I'm gonna do, specially with the guitars.
I'm double tracking them (with a Squier Telecaster custom and a Vintage V100 btw) just as I would do with metal, but in most cases it's not sounding awesome, sounds good but not awesome, I'm still gonna experiment some reverbs and crazy stuff, but I think I need some tips...
I'm avoiding editing them to hell as I want the maximum of natural feel, but if needed I'm gonna do it.

Here's an example:é/Será que te lembras_Bass.mp3
guitars and bass need to come up a tad. Just a stab, but double tracking might not be your friend here because there is no distortion to cover up any inconsistencies in the two takes. Seems like this is where a little chorus and carefully calculated reverb will help you fatten the guitar up. Just my two cents! hope it helps!