Compressor and EQ vst changing panning

Jun 17, 2008
Sorry to bother everyone, but I have a small problem.

Using SD2 and having routed each "mic" into a separate track I've then processed the different kit pieces.

Today I've opened up the same project I was working yesterday and noticed on the mixer that the stereo out indicated a lot more output from the left.
I then discovered it's due to the kick and snare being more proeminent in the left channel. Keep in mind, both of them are centered.
It seems whenever I use a compressor vst on any of them the output gains a tendency to go to the left.

I've been searching for a solution but found nothing, so I'm hoping you guys might help me.
Sorry if it's a noob question.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm using Cubase 5
Also, I can safely say that I think the high frequencies are moving to the left channel when I apply a compressor, and that may be why output is higher in that same channel. Even if this is the case, I can't still work out a solution for this...
Not sure about the compressor, but on Waves Q10 there is an option to link the left and right channel or process them individually on the bottom right corner. By default it is set to the left channel ,linked to the right. It is possible that you've disabled the "Link" button, making the EQ only affect your left channel, and thus shifting the stereo image.


Something similar could be happening to the compressor, as in, it could be set to dual-mono compression, with the right channel disabled. I haven't used that compressor, so I don't know about its options sadly.

Then again, you are mentioning that this happens on mono tracks, but maybe they are being calculated as a stereo track with equal volume on either channel.
Sorry for the delay, it was late in here so I had to sleep...

The plugins are analog simulation, so I don't know if they have that option. However, having in account what I described, that may be the case.
I will check it in a minute, I have to go to my other pc, that doesn't have internet access.

And the tracks are mono, I am almost sure of that. I will also check that, can't hurt to do so.

And thank you for your time!

EDIT: The tracks are mono, and the plugins are also the mono versions, so they don't have that option you mentioned. I also tried to change the settings to see the results, and when I changed threshold, when I got to really low settings it had the opposite effect, it made the right channel more pronounced.
I just tried using the stereo version of the plugins and the problem doesn't arise if I'm using them.

I'm sure that the tracks are mono, so this confuses me greatly. Even if I can now get around it I would like to know why this is happening so I can prevent it. If anyone has any insight I would be glad to hear it.
Hmm this is really weird! The only thing I can think of now is a routing-problem. I'm really just speculating here, but could it be that you use a stereoplugin before the monoplug on the monotracks? Maybe the monotrack becomes split into stereo after using a stereoplugin on it, and when you follow it up with a monoplugin, only a single channel gets treated. I don't think this is usually the case, but it's the only thing I can come up with at this point.

At least it's good to know that you can continue working with the stereoversions for now though :) Good luck!