compressor ; hold parameter


Oct 16, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
so basically, i discovered the cubase 5 compressor's hold setting.

i played around with it today as ive never seen this setting on a compressor before. ive seen and used it on gates and other effects but not a compressor. so getting some cool results i did some searches on the web and this forum and found nothing on the subject.

So basically, im just curious if anyone else uses this parameter to get a specific sound. After playing around with it i concluded that the best way to use it was to set the hold parameter to around 40 - 80 ms to surpass the main transient and thud of a snare drum and than apply the release to about 30 - 50 ms ( attack at shortest as well) This pretty much gave me a similar effect as using a compressor with normal settings but left the first 30 - 80 ms untouched which is phenominal because i feel like thats a sure way to lose the natural feel of the drum, known as over compressing. I hate compressing a drum to get more attack. This way let me retain the original attack while getting rid of the body i hate ( for top mic at least ). i wouldnt say it got rid of the body, just more effectively compressed the body of the drum. Im aware that i can use a compressor without a hold function to get what i just discribed, but its a different sound. its different than using a compressor without a hold function or even a lame transient designer.

Does anyone else have any good info on this subject?