Automating the threshold on a Buss Compressor?


Engineer at Brett Brothers Studio
Mar 8, 2014
Hey guys, just a quick question:

I'm currently using the Waves SSL buss compressor on my master fader and mixing through it from the start.

I've been going for around 3-4 dB of compression on the loudest parts of the song, but that means it's not really compressing on the more quiet parts. I've read that some people automate the threshold on the compressor so that they're getting the same amount of compression throughout the track, do any of you guys do this? should I be doing this?

Thanks for any replies in advance.
I use the ssl on the mix buss but don't automate it. When the compressor clamps down it tends to be at the start of a verse or chorus and really lets each section pop. If it was consantly doing the same reduction the transition between sections wouldn't be as agressive and slamming.
Hmm, thanks for the reply. In that case, when people say "I'm doing 4 dB of compression on my buss compressor" they're talking about how much compression they're doing at the chorus/loud part?

Pretty sure the general consensus is, yes - only hit the loudest parts with 2-4 db GR.
I find it way more effective playing with the dry/wet knob on a drum buss compressor. let's say you have a more mellow verse and the big chorus. Compress the drums less during the verse and more during the bridge or chorus. great trick to give the song more impact. I did that on this lil rocker I produced with my band. When the big guitars kick in, the drumbuss compressor is working. I really like it that way.

Other then that not sure if i would compress the mix up to 4 db (especially when using already other buss compressors) but that certainly depends on the material.
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you could use a more gentle compressor just to keep the quiet parts consistent and keep the ssl on the loud parts for dynamic impact.