Master buss compression - what works for certain material...

basically everyone uses andy wallace's setting haha.. myself included

4:1, 30ms attack (sometimes 10ms), auto release (faster release for more inconsistent tempos) and 4db GR

there really isn't any way it doesn't do any good. it even improves your life. that's right, ssl buss compression is proven to increase quality of life.
Good to see a post like this ATM because I´d like to ask you something I have in mind for a while.

I have Waves SSL& hardware clone. I have the hardware clone inserted in the master bus as an external insert as long as my Neve Eq so I usually do all my comp&eq prior to clip my converter and limit. My question: It isn´t redundant to use the software version in the master bus, killing maybe 2db GR and then another 2 db´s with the hardware version??
It´s just I feel I´m gonna overcompress the shit before clipping....thanks!!!

you got me wrong.

I only use the hardware.
I did use the software and used that settings before I got the hardware.

I use the software or the waves api 2500 on the drum group
It could have something to do with the limited settings of the SSL compressor, the fact that there's only close to 4 parameters on each function might have something to do with it haha.
The Waves SSL buss comp kills quite some low end compared to other buss comps. Makes things sound less big (which is not the purpose of the thing, isn't it?).
On my hardware GSSL (SSL clone) I like (as most of you) 4:1, 30ms attack (10ms on the drum bus), 100 ms release for metal/rock, 300 ms release for slower stuff. The needle is barely moving, but the meters might be misleading. But it sounds like 2-4 dB of GR.
I agree fully to Ermz, The Glue sounded very very boring to me. I do not understand the hype at all.
THE GLUE SMOKES WAVES SSL (even hardware comps)

4:1 . attack .3 release 12oclock

I rock The Glue as well.

Rat: 4:1
Att: .1 - 1 ms
Rel: variable
the key with this is mastering your Comp. Mix level
which usually (for me) lands between 50% and 85% depending on how much gain reduction I'm using.
I meant 30ms on the attack.

After the latest update on the Glue i really think it is the best ITB comp there is out there. Turn on oversampling atleast on x8 and you'll hear how great it sounds.
I got a hardware as well, but i have been turning to the glue lately
60,000 divided by BPM = release time in ms

This will give you a quarter-note release time. I like to go with eighth-note release times for mid- and slower tempos, so divide the answer above in half.

One thing no one really points out is that you want comp settings that work for the song. To really hear what it is doing to your mix, turn the compression all the way up and mess with the other settings until you can really hear the difference between, say, fast vs. slow attack or release. Then roll your ratio back to 2:1 or 4:1 or whatever you think works best. Starting off with a preset often doesn't allow you to hear what the compressor is really doing. Also, when bypassing the comp to A/B your settings, always always check that the volume is the same. Otherwise, you'll tend to think that the louder setting is better.
you can really hear the difference between, say, fast vs. slow attack or release. Then roll your ratio back to 2:1 or 4:1 or whatever you think works best. Starting off with a preset often doesn't allow you to hear what the compressor is really doing. Also, when bypassing the comp to A/B your settings, always always check that the volume is the same. Otherwise, you'll tend to think that the louder setting is better.

So True!
I'm using The Glue also. I have the high-pass quite high too, so that low-end sounds don't trigger the compression as much. I use 2:1 or 4:1, depending on the material, and adjust the threshold so I get a nice smooth leveling effect when playing the whole track. It's important to me to not fuck up my dynamics too much.
Slow attack - autorelease or however at tempo with the song (in some cases with my C2 fast rel. works ok) - GR depends on the comp that I'm using, usually 1-2 db, however more than 3-4 it's rare - Ratio not more than 4:1