Reaper master buss sidechaining?

Jul 7, 2009
Hey guys,

I'm trying to sidechain the entire master buss with my sub drop so I can pull the low end out when the sub drop hits, but I can't figure out how to send the sub drop to the auxiliary input or something so I can use the auxiliary input L/R as the detector input on the compressor.


Thanks guys
alternatively automate a quick hi pass with REAeq on the master buss. There can't be that many sub drops right?

of course, I'm under the impression that you mean you wanna suck a lot of the lows out of the whole mix to make room when the subdrops hit right?
Isn't it something like let the subdrop on its own track, then sidechain a compressor to the entire mix to duck a few dB when the subdrop hits?
You can't sidechain a master buss, because whatever you sidechain it to is gonna send to master buss by default as well... Whan he can do is set the subdrop ridiculously loud so it pumps the master compressor, thus giving the desired effect.
just use automation and solo the fucking sub drop. BAM.


You can't sidechain a master buss, because whatever you sidechain it to is gonna send to master buss by default as well... Whan he can do is set the subdrop ridiculously loud so it pumps the master compressor, thus giving the desired effect.

Or he can do a master mix bus (folder track with everything in it) and have the subdrop seperate to it and do what's been told.

But I prefer the super loud crushfuck à la Devin Townsend.
Thanks guys,

Well I had heard you could sidechain the master buss multiband with the sub drop, and then I could just yank out like 120 and below when it hits.