Problem with master buss compressor

oh god damn it... you guys are cracking me up, i said something like I like big boobs, small ones dont do me no good.

and you're telling me I am wrong?

I like to use my bus compressor for that typical stereo pumping glue effect... and I like to shake of quite a few db...

sure dual mono can sound more open and organic, i just dont dig it most of the time. again, it depends on material..

Well, IMO, you're doing something wrong if using a comp in dual mono fucks up your stereo image.

Get it? :wave:

It's just an opinion.

it's one thing if you like a typical stereo compressor more, but you gave a weird reason for liking it more.

Just sayin'.

Ps, I don't know why you called me sturgisboy. My mixes don't sound anything like sturgis mixes, nor do I intend for them to be.
generic insults ftw.