Computer for recording


Apr 20, 2013

So I know a little bit about computers, but not enough to build one myself. I'm thinking about just buying this stock computer and leaving it the way it is. I'm looking to run

1-4 rhythm guitar tracks with ampsim/cabsim/EQ
1-2 lead guitar tracks with ampsim/cabsim/EQ/reverbs/delays
Multi tracked drums about 10 tracks all with EQ/Compression/Busses with reverbs and all that jazz
1-4 vocal tracks again with all the cool stuff on it.
and the usual master bus stuff

By the end of my average session with busses and aux's it's around 30 tracks.
I don't want to have to freeze or bounce tracks down.
Are the specs on this stock computer good enough to do so?
Yeah I have one. I've been doing recordings for a long time, but the sessions are just getting bigger and bigger and my computer now is just not cutting it haha.
It's just having to freeze the tracks down to lessen the load on my computer... Then finding out the ride is a little too loud and having to unfreeze adjust/freeze again... then the toms need a little different EQ. Unfreeze/change/freeze. and so on.