Computer halp...

El Stormo

Mar 20, 2003
Flanders - Belgium

I seem to have a strange issue with my computer lately. 95% of the time, the machine won't even boot. The LEDs go on, but the screen stays black and doesn't get a signal, and the loading LED doesn't blink, it just stays on solid. There's no BIOS, no HDD chugging, no nuthin'. On the occasions that the machine does boot (oddly, it takes more than ten seconds for the BIOS to come up), I can reset (via windows) as often as I like, and there's no problem at all, the computer reboots with no hiccups. So that, combined with the lack of a BIOS, makes it fairly certain it's a hardware problem.

I've opened her up, cleaned the fans and all that, but the problem persists. I've noticed that the fan on my nVidia card almost never spins when I turn my machine on (all other fans work fine), but the LED on the card turns green, so there's no reason to assume there's a defect. Only very rarely does the fan on my 3D-card whir into action when I turn the machine on.

My guess is, it's a faulty contact in the PSU, which would explain why the machine does boot on occasion, but my guess is of course, by no means educated. If anyone has any idea, I'll be grateful if you let me know what's up. Thanks in advance!
Well, that's just bridging the two pins your power switch would briefly connect. It won't tell you much if it works, but if it doesn't work you can be pretty sure that is the source of your problem.
Could be a number of problems as it's failing at POST... if you have an internal speaker (granted, I'm guessing not since you didn't mention da beeeeeeeps), diagnosis would be simple if you could give the mobo make and model number and describe the beeping (short long etc.)

Power supply short (or possibly a motherboard short due to contact with something [check standoffs, make sure nothing that could short it suddenly decided to hide under the mobo, etc.]) could be the problem, I'd say swap out and see what happens... can't hurt. Otherwise, gotta get the POST error beeeeeeeeps.
I get no beeps whatsoever, if I did, I'd know more, but yeah... :(

If it's a faulty mobo, then I'm just going to buy a whole new PC, but if it's just the PSU then I'll just replace that. Could it be that the PSU can activate all the LEDs and fans but can't muster enough power to start POST?

I'll definitely check the PSU and mobo for shorts again, it could very well be that too.

Thanks guys!
Well, you'll see symptoms like that when you have a PSU that is powering everything except the additional 4 or 8 pin connector for the CPU, but I don't know if you have a setup like that.
Usually what you'll see is a big 20 or 24 pin connector on the motherboard for the main cable, and then somewhere else on the board a smaller 4 or 8 pin connector for an additional 12v line.
Negative. You're heading in the wrong direction.

You won't get video on the screen if you have an issue with your memory (RAM) or your CPU.

It is possible that your memory could be ever so slightly out of place that its causing an intermittent issue when booting the computer.

I'd re-seat your RAM and processor both and I'd be willing to bet thats the case.
RAM's already been reseated and that didn't fix it, same for the CPU. I've managed to fix it by reseating everything and cleaning out all possibly dust particles (again!). It's probably a short caused by a speck of dust, or a badly seated... something.
RAM's already been reseated and that didn't fix it, same for the CPU. I've managed to fix it by reseating everything and cleaning out all possibly dust particles (again!). It's probably a short caused by a speck of dust, or a badly seated... something.

Intermittent is still bad. If you can, try and track down some known good/new RAM thats compatible and start swapping it out. It only takes one stick to send everything on the fritz.
Reseating everything made the problem go away, at least for a while, but now it's here again. I did notice this difference when I started the comp with the tower opened.

This is for a normal, correct boot:


And this is when POST fails. Notice the green-yellow-red LEDs in the upper right, and the yellow LEDs right next to the RAM. All fans work, it's just that they look stationary, because, well, you know, it's a still :)


Anyone have any idea what those LEDs mean?