computer help

no :)

i was addicted to scarab of ra, but you can only get it for mac :(
after playing it a while it always crashes the mac. dunno why. something with the mummies i suppose.
discouraged1 said:
someone remembers a gamey called frogger?

Yeah sure, I wasn't too fond of it though, I was more into jump'n'runs and adventure games back then.

@siderea: WPD700-59905-32394-18228 ?

(a secret language)
I have a problem and it's important to find a solution asap. I did a brochure with Adobe Pagemaker (Win Version) and i need to get it visible on a Mac now cause the printing press only uses mac and unfortunately don't have the compatible MAc version. Now they told me it would work if i give em the data in a pdf format but this feature doesn't work within pagemaker cause i don't have Adobe Distiler. Does anyone of you have any idea how i can get this bloody file accessable for a Mac? cheers for every answer!
theres freeware that will create a pdf from most file formats. try the pdf creator or failing that theres one called pdf995 or something. Otherwise you have to buy distiller which will cost a packet
mac is wack