Concept for Dance of December Souls?

it seems to me that Varg has done his homework on this one. I think he is probably right. Still unsure about the conceptual DODS thing. I have read the lyrics and am still undecided. Of course there is a theme, but a concept I cannot YET agree with. Varg: :) Good shit bro. What do you think? Theory one or two? Any thoughts on the songs before elohim meth yet?
This is not some easy shit. Both of the concept is about dying, and no one can really describe that, so it's reaaally abstract.
I had a lecture about Lyrics, and then I talked about theory #1. Nobody had anything against it, but I guess they didn't study it that deep.

That thing about he's dying, has nothing to live for, sleeping, dreaming of his bride, and how he never could reach her, feels very alive, and a good reason for him to die, whereupon he does. But many lines speak against it you know, so I rather stick with Theory #2 to have less people attacking me about shit :)
It's also nice. The details of the concept is the most difficult bit, and I guess impossible to really understand. But I think you might see that there is a concept. At least try to find it from "elohim meth" and forth. There you will see it very obviously.
"Without God" isn't actually a "DODS"-song, it was made for the EP before, so if you want, you could forget that too as a start. But as I explained it would fit good into theory #2 as well....
If you want to discuss some lines and more details just bring them up!