

New Metal Member
Mar 13, 2002
Timisoara, Romania
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Hello there everyone,
I hope this one is not boring (or was already in this forum).

Try to come up with a creative&original concept for a song/album of Nightingale (just the story behind the music).
Providing what the fans want to get usually generates crap, but who knows? Perhaps somebody has a really cool totally new idea, and we might hear it on the 15th Nightingale album

PS 1: I'm not at all implying that Nightingale has run out of inspiration ;)
PS 2: I'm not in a band searching for new ideas :) (I play only classic guitar and I suck at it)
Here it goes

There is this man who loves this girl. And they are both christians and want to go to heaven. So to make this really attractive, heaven is not a place where angels sing, everybody is happy and it's basically totally boring, but it's something like the next step in evolution, where the man is going to do something totally interesting, but nobody knows exactly what (of course). Anyway, at some point the guy dies, and indeed he gets the ticket to heaven. All is fine, except his girl does not show up (enough time passes by), and eventually he finds out she ended up in hell. He is not at all happy about it, you can imagine, and perhaps some of you know that sadness is considered a sin in christianity. The guy has to do something. Ok, this is not Dante, so there is no way to go down there and get her out, however there is the option that he falls from heaven to hell and he stays there with her forever. So the choice is ... ?

Hmm, maybe this is not at all new after all ...
brother Martin said:
Maybe smth epic would do, The Anti-Silmarillion, for example? Though I guess this plot is as outworn as the world itself... :)
You right, this one is a real chestnut!
Something epic you say? Ha-a-a, think big, why not "Kalevala" or Longfellow's "Hiawatha" or even our "Viy" by N.Gogol? This last one is a real breathtaking thriller... It would blin, kak eto, kick ass...
That decides me! I'll go look for its English version!!!:) :) :)
@julius There is a movie with Robin Williams which has a similar story to yours. It´s called "What Dreams May Come" :D

On-topic: I don´t know, maybe a story about the difficulty to bake cookies that taste better than any cookies ever or something? Or wait, that´s what I want to write lyrics about!
A story about dragons and knights with big heads would be great though
Something about horses heads with human bodies, or zebra heads
kokonik said:
@julius There is a movie with Robin Williams which has a similar story to yours. It´s called "What Dreams May Come" :D

I've seen it, you are right, it does look very similar. I think I thought of it different because in that movie, the guy is going down there to take her out. Which is very far away from my version, the guy is going to stay there with her, knowing from the beginning there is no way back. But perhaps I'm wrong, I emphasize too much on this. By the way, the story in "What dreams may come" is very "Hollywood", with the hero doing crazy stuff to save his girl, and with the required happy ending.
Pajvela said:
You right, this one is a real chestnut!
Something epic you say? Ha-a-a, think big, why not "Kalevala" or Longfellow's "Hiawatha" or even our "Viy" by N.Gogol? This last one is a real breathtaking thriller... It would blin, kak eto, kick ass...
That decides me! I'll go look for its English version!!!:) :) :)
Better go slay tykwodronts you little naughty thing!
How about two brothers owning a gas station/car mech together, facing the trivials of the weekdays? One song could be about a familiy coming in to get some stuff for their caravan journey through the nigh.. no, through Sweden. And one song about an angry customer with an Opel that keeps breaking down. Then at night, when they go home.. they have like a sad one-liner too.. something like.. "Goodbye Gassy, see ya tomorrow." That would be the outro.

So original.
What about a guy with wife, children, etc, who (by some curse) turns into a freaky monster, let's say something with a zebra head :). The rest of the family is doomed too unless he will not do 10 horribile crimes. He does it finally, he becomes human again and he comes back to his folks, but they find out (somehow) what happened , they hate him for this, chase him away, don't want so see him never again. So the guy goes crazy and shoots himself. Pretty sick, huh?
You should read more classical literature, guys. It enriches mind and developes imagination... :loco:

2brother Martin
My search for an english version of "Viy" hath led me nowhere... But I won't give up!
I'll go for "Crime and punishment"!.... :tickled:
Death comes to a man and tells him that the world population is growing too fast so he must help preserve the balance between life and death by killing a certain number of people. the story then goes through the man's mind as he struggles to decide what to do and if he should go along with this or fight it, though he knows to defy Death will bring him death.

just an idea that came to mind
Silent Song said:
Death comes to a man and tells him that the world population is growing too fast so he must help preserve the balance between life and death by killing a certain number of people. the story then goes through the man's mind as he struggles to decide what to do and if he should go along with this or fight it, though he knows to defy Death will bring him death.

just an idea that came to mind

Sounds like "The war hound and the world's pain" of Michael Moorcock ;)
Only with a few differences.
How about this one?
A guy meets a girl, falls in love
tha girl kills her self/dies in some way...
guy is sad and in despair
finaly kills himself or gets sent to a mental institute...

yes I know...very original ;)