Concert in Neunkirchen


Feb 2, 2004
Just arrived back home from the concert in Neunkirchen....

At first a big thank you for this great concert in Neunkirchen! It was again an amazing concert with a really nice audience. :)

It was really great, although this big idiot of organizer just didn´t let you play your last two songs... :confused:
Good that you tried to play on but the organizer was surely just to stupid to realize what a great party all the guys were having...

I still can´t understand , why they did it, but I really hope to see you again in Germany quite soon !!
Hi there and thank you very very much for that special evening.
This was the first time for me seeing you live on stage and even with that unhappy ending it was a great show; at the end I'm also a little bit proud being a part of the "moral support"-quire :), which made this concert even more special and memorable. Just consider the bright side of the organizer's foolish behaviour: It's YOUR MUSIC letting the audience totally freak out :rock:
What else to say? I love your music and felt deeply touched - even without "A Touch Of Blessing" ;)

But please: Come back again into our region of Germany! It's true what the singer of Mystic Prophecy did mention, we really aren't highly frequented by top-class metal-acts.

I was also there with my brother, we had a great night!
It's a shame the organizer was so stubborn and shut down the PA. Did you see Henrik? He was fuming, we thought he might kill someone that night.