The Västerås concert!


Marked by the triangle
Mar 3, 2006
Västerås - Sweden
First of all I must say that it once again was a blessing to see EVERGREY live on stage again. It has been a while since last time, so it was a show I really was looking forward to (as always when they play).

So here are some facts and funny things from the concert:

They began very late for playing at a place closing at 1.00 AM. But that didn't seem to bother the guys. They actually played one of the longest sets I have ever seen with them. Unfortunately the sound was pretty bad and that was something Tom complained about on stage. But anyway, they where in a great mood and the show was superb as usual. At one moment the other guys start make jokes with Tom and play other old classic hard rock/metal songs when he was about to start to play songs :lol:

Here is the set list (Jaris paper with a nice litle sun painted in the right corner):
As I lie Here Bleeding
Recreation Day
Monday Morning Apocalypse
I'm Sorry
Still in The Water
Rulers Of The Mind
End Of Your Days
Broken Wings
A Touch Of Blessing

After the show me and my friends was standing in the bar when the band came out. We start talking to Tom for quite some time about the show, the upcoming Whitesnake shows (EG will play for 40-45 minutes), his other song writing and Closure.
We took a couple of photos, unfortunately just with cellphones but I will upload them as soon I have a chance. They stopped play just 20-25 minutes before closing time. But Tom said "as long as you have a beer in your hand, they can´t throw you out" and they didn't, so we leaved the place like 25 minutes to late.

We also had a quite long chat with Jonas and Henrik. And they said that they where working on a spring tour. I REALLY hope their plans will work out and we all will have the chance to see them soon again. Jonas also gave away a drum stick to my friend used both by him and Mikkey Dee, so I went home with a really proud friend, haha!

Rikard and Jari was busy talking to other fans, so I just shook their hands and thanked for a great show and made Jari say "Jag är en jävla finne" (I'm a Finnish bastard) :lol:

I think that was pretty much it....hopefully pictures will be updated!

It was a great evening, thank you EVERGREY for another fantastic show (even though the sound quality was not at it best mood).
You are truly the greatest!
sounds realy great.
the guys are so friendly.
great set & great people.
thanx for the review.
Great review! Sounds like you had a great time despite the bad sound. Would you mind writing what Tom had to say about Closure? It happens to be one of my all time favourite EG songs and it would be interesting to read what he said.:kickass:
Great review! Sounds like you had a great time despite the bad sound. Would you mind writing what Tom had to say about Closure? It happens to be one of my all time favourite EG songs and it would be interesting to read what he said.:kickass:

I'm glad you liked it! The Closure story is not about the lyrics, it´s about my friends constant wishes that they will play it during the concert :)

One of my friends start asking for Closure between the songs, and after a couple of songs Tom began to laugh and said hat "we are not going to play that song" but my friend kept going on now together with another friend of mine and when Tom saw that he laugh again and said "ska du också börja tjata om den där jävla låten" (will you also start nag about that damn song).

After the concert when Tom came out I immediately went to him and said "You never played Closure" :p And he answered "If you give us 1000 kr (100 euro) we play it now, there are tough times now" :lol: We said that it was an amazing song and Tom started to think and said "It´s just me and a piano, that isn't hard, why are´t we playing that?"

So you never know, during the next tour they maybe will play it =) It is a really fantastic song, one of the best ballads ever written!
Wow, that's really great! Wish I would have been there. Well, maybe in spring. Really looking forward to it.
Those pics would also be nice to see :notworthy
Hi there, I finally have uploaded the photos from my cellphone to my computer. My question is, how do I upload them? Do I need to have an URL or can I add them some way?

Not the best pics, but still...they are from the concert =)
Thank you Gaunerin!

Here are some pics from the Västerås concert

I took this after the show. Tom was looking through a lamp that stood at the bar. Tom took the lamp and did that and I told him to do it again for the forum to enjoy =)

The rest is from the show, it´s from a cell phone so the quality sucks.

I hope you like them, maybe I can get some more from my friends!


I just read what you wrote about the Västerås concert. I think it actually could have been me and my friends that Rikard was talking to. I agree it was a great concert, maybe even the greatest ever and I hope that there will be a Spring Tour of some kind in Sweden. Me and my friends are really looking forward to that, cause we all missed the Whitesnake gigs.

I can´t even really begin to write about what crazy night that turned out to be after the concert and that chat with Rikard....driving in one way streets, calling 118 118 over and over again and telling them we are a bunch of drunk people ( not the driver and nobody from Evergrey!) in a car looking for Hotel Klipper or Klippen? and after that a detour to Köping on the way home to Eskilstuna, so we had to cancel the trip to Stockholm next day because we didn´t get any sleep that night...but it was sure worth it! ....haha... think it must have been the "Evergrey Curse" Damn... we really should have thought about that curse before getting into my car:rock: But I´ve never had this much fun in one night and I think that goes for my friends too..... I really hope you read this guys.....we all really liked you as a persons, Evergrey or no Evergrey. You´re all really nice and funny. Like when Rikard told Henrik he got that ugly cupboard in the back room as payment for the gig:lol: and Jari used that strange thing to hold the bottles with:)Thanks for a great evening....We hope to see you all soon, maybe in Gothenburg this spring....I think we will have a "Evergrey Reunionparty" when I move to Gothenburg, hopefully in march...

By the way, I only move to Gothenburg cause I think it must be the best city in Sweden to live in if you love Metal music and love going to concerts and places like Sticky Fingers. Am I wrong? Hope not...

I´ve got some really nice pictures too, if I can only understand how to upload them. I bought the best compact digital camera I could find for this event, a very good decision. How annoying it would have been to only have my mobile camera I´ll try uploading them later.

Merry X-mas

Vicky with friends:rock:
I´ve got some really nice pictures too, if I can only understand how to upload them. I bought the best compact digital camera I could find for this event, a very good decision. How annoying it would have been to only have my mobile camera I´ll try uploading them later.

Merry X-mas

Vicky with friends:rock:

Merry X-masto you too!

It sounds like a CRAZY night =)

I used the page to upload, went pretty smoth! I´ll take this in swedish: Uppdatera bilden och gå ner en bit på sidan när det laddat klart, där hittar du en länk du kan klistra in här på forumet för att se en miniatyrbild som sedan är klickbar till större bilder. Lycka till! =)

Looking forward to see the pictures! Cheers!