concert lights


Juke Box Hero
Sep 18, 2006
i saw unearth, kataklysm, devil driver, and dimmu borgir last night.

im not a personal fan of this kinda music, but my friend bought me the tickets and overall it was a fun experiece, until dimmu came on

like they had these strobe lights and these other SUPER bright lights, that just WOULD NOT FUCKING STOP SHINING DIRECTLY IN YOUR EYES throughout the ENTIRE set.

i had the worst headache of my life, why the HELL do shows do this?

i mean sometimes i understand, but fuck man these lights were BRIGHT! every now and then, its ok, but like when ever it goes on for like minutes at a time, every 30 seconds, it gets so ridiculous.

anyone else have this problem?

also in response to the is metal too loud thread, my hearing is so fucked my alarm clock didnt wake me up, so yes, metal is way too fucking loud.
They had that strobe light back when I saw them a few years ago on their first run through the states for the DCA tour. That strobe was right in my eyes so I know what you're talking about. Although admittedly it was annoying, I was really enjoying the show and sometimes just kept my eyes shut and just enjoyed the music moreso than the show. Lights can be annoying though, there's no doubt about that.
Yep, had this happen before. But let's stop for a second and think. we've had (multiple) threads about how we don't like:
-Volume levels

I mean obviously people wouldn't start threads if this stuff didn't bother them, but is any of this new? As far as I know this stuff has been standard seemingly forever, and if it hasn't changed by now, it's unlikely to. There are lots of ways to enjoy a show. If it's too loud for you, wear earplugs; if it's not, don't. If lights are bothering you, move; if they aren't, don't. If someone's hair in your face is bothering you, again, move. Unfortunately the show isn't going to change for the comfort of just one person, and if you're not willing to accept that, just show your disapproval by staying at home and listening to cd's instead.
Yep, had this happen before. But let's stop for a second and think. we've had (multiple) threads about how we don't like:
-Volume levels

I mean obviously people wouldn't start threads if this stuff didn't bother them, but is any of this new? As far as I know this stuff has been standard seemingly forever, and if it hasn't changed by now, it's unlikely to. There are lots of ways to enjoy a show. If it's too loud for you, wear earplugs; if it's not, don't. If lights are bothering you, move; if they aren't, don't. If someone's hair in your face is bothering you, again, move. Unfortunately the show isn't going to change for the comfort of just one person, and if you're not willing to accept that, just show your disapproval by staying at home and listening to cd's instead.

yea you are right, but these lights you, unfortunately, cant move for.

ive been to my fair share of shows, and lights sometimes got annoying, but they eventually moved or something, and that was ok, but these were through dimmu's entire set, it just really got ridiculous.

overall, yes i should stay home, and i honestly would have if i would have known it was going to be THAT bad.

headbanging is different, loud music, you expect it at a show, and lights, you expect them at a show, but not THESE lights.
I have been to alot of metal shows and i must admit that some of the lighting at these shows is terrible. You would think that with all the high tech equipment they have today stupid stuff like this could be avoided. Nobody enjoys a good stage show as much as me. i want lasers, fire, smoke , bombs the whole works. most of all i want it set up right or just come out and play and leave the lights to the pros. Good stage shows should never be set up so bad that it pisses people off.
I love it when people say "It's a metal show!"

I wasn't aware that metal show= crappy experience.

Why do we associate metal with discomfort? And no, this isn't just a few old farts complaining. Most people seem to not like this crap, so why not cater to your customers? Let's get good sound quality and good lighting. Either that, or take it all the way and make us all drink blood at metal shows because drinking blood is METAL!!!
Been to a few shows with strobes, but they were used sparingly so it was ok. What I hate is deep colors and no spotlighting at all. Then they tell the photographers no flash. Guys are jumping all over the stage in murky blues and reds.
movement + no light = no photos.
Unless someone knows a secret I don't.....fess up!
LOL at complaining about lights, volume or headbanging at a METAL show.

Unless you're complaining that there's not enough of the above.

what good is it to go see a band, when you cant see them, you can only see this massive flashing light through the entire set that just keeps on giving you a headache

i bet if you turned the fucking strobes around and flashed them at dimmu the whole set, they would enjoy performing about as much as i did watching.

lights used in moderation are ok, i dont prefer them, but i can deal with them. a strobe light that made you think you were getting hit with a god damn bolt of lightning from zues himself every time it flashed, used in extremely excessive amounts is just dumb.

who the fuck cares about being METAL, thats all so many people care about, METAL METAL METAL ARGH! you can put on a good show, and it still be METAL, and it still be fun, for everyone. if you dont like headbanging, yea you can move, if you dont like volume, yea you can wear earplugs, and if retarded strobe lights hurt your eyes and give you headaches, well just dont watch the band! sounds good right?
I love it when people say "It's a metal show!"

I wasn't aware that metal show= crappy experience.

Why do we associate metal with discomfort? And no, this isn't just a few old farts complaining. Most people seem to not like this crap, so why not cater to your customers? Let's get good sound quality and good lighting. Either that, or take it all the way and make us all drink blood at metal shows because drinking blood is METAL!!!

yea for real, either fix the problems, or might as well set your fans on fire and sacrifice a goat, then throw it in the crowd

or hell just bomb the whole damn venue, everyone would die, thats pretty metal right? i mean metal songs are usually about killing or killing yourself, hell live up to it! dont be a fuckin pussy!

just cause its a metal show doesnt mean it has to be a crappy experience.

i bet if you would have taken the bad lighting out of peoples eyes, equally balanced the volume and sound of the bands, and if all the moshers were to go into the pit area instead of right where the people are watching the show, no one would have a worse experience because of it, and lots of people would have a better experience.
I have been to alot of metal shows and i must admit that some of the lighting at these shows is terrible. You would think that with all the high tech equipment they have today stupid stuff like this could be avoided. Nobody enjoys a good stage show as much as me. i want lasers, fire, smoke , bombs the whole works. most of all i want it set up right or just come out and play and leave the lights to the pros. Good stage shows should never be set up so bad that it pisses people off.


theres ways to set up a stage that everyone will enjoy it, and i know that im not the only one who felt this way about the show last night.

Resulting in....

according to kenneth R, all those people are whiney bitches, unless im missing something.