Concert Times Problems


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
Alright guys, this is really pissing me off, a concert says its starts at like lets say...... 7 and i get there at 6:15-6:30 and one of the opening bands is half way through. i was planning on goin to dimmu borgir, nevermore, hypocrisy, and CoB, and it says the time of the concert is 5..... any suggestions when ill be done, and it said on that the 9:30 curfew will be in effect... i have no clue when to show up..... i need help....
Thats kinda weird, whenever I go to concerts they start up to an hour after the time they are supposed to. All this accomplishes is getting me less sleep. Also, where the hell is there a 9:30 curfew?