First of all, I do not see how Barking Pumpkin's post was negative at all, and I am shocked that so many of you see it as such.
Someone please explain to me how the sentence, "From their picture it looks like when they were together they beat out every 80's band in the hair department." is negative.
It is certainly not grammatically negative, and from the looks of Japan X's picture, they may have taken it as a
compliment! (I can completely imagine Japan X saying: "Wow, we really beat out all the other 80's band's hair styles! Thanks, we really tried! All the hours of hair spray and hair dye...")
Like he said, if anyone else had made this comment people would have laughed. It seems to me that Emerald Sword is the starter of the negativity in this thread.
Secondly, I love Concerto Moon and would love to see them at PP. I love their powerful, bombastic vocalist!
I think it would be awesome to have a Japanese band at PP. I bet they would be awesome live.
Also, if Japan X influenced SA, then I need to check them out!