Concerts and the collector’s mentality


Apr 27, 2012
Bridgewater, MA
Ever want to see a band just so you can say you saw them? Have a bucket list of bands you need to see before you kick it?

This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately - the idea that seeing a band live is something to check off a list, much in the same way that a record collector’s vinyl sits on a shelf and never gets listened to. I think it really hit me when I felt a little disappointed at the Nuclear Assault announcement. Love the band, haven’t seen them in over 20 years, but I couldn't help but think that the slot could have been filled by a band I’ve never seen before. Stupid, right?

Just wondering what other people think.

That's why this summer I went to see both (finally) Deep Purple and BOC.

This is especially true for older bands whose future is not certain as the members get older.
I don't feel this way until the opportunity to see the band arises. For example, it wouldn't have bothered me at all if I never saw King Diamond, but when the tour was announced I couldn't pass it up.
I do. It is the reason I travel now to see bands that I would not be able to ever.

I totally understand where people are coming from for Nuclear Assault...sadly there are still tons who have never seen them. The fest needed a huge headliner that would guarantee a sell out. Going with another traditional act would just bring in the same people and Nuclear Assault fit the fest...they are a classic 80's act and the fest has had thrash / heavier stuff before as well. A few other acts were tried that were more traditional but it didn't work out. Plus there are a lack of bigger drawing classic acts now.
I think one of the best things about festivals is that chance to catch a wide variety of bands and letting you check them out even though you may not own stuff by them or be a big fan. The list of bands I have seen at fest is huge for bands I am not really a fan of but I am glad I got to see though.
I certainly have a bucket list but never just so I can see them. Fortunately for me, the bucket list is getting smaller and smaller, now that I'll be seeing King Diamond and Satan. Honestly, the only band I can think of right now that I truly HAVE to see is Grave Digger, which isn't looking too good in terms of possibility.
Absolutely. It s the biggest reason I am travelling so much next year and going broke in the process. :heh::heh: 70000 TONS to see Grave Digger D.A.D. and Threshold, MOR Cruise for Krokus, Babylon AD and Europe and Wacken next year for Running Wild, Savatage and Powerwolf. Hopefully my wife doesn't divorce me after all of that. :lol:
I believe many share this mentality. I think it is pretty stupid but to each their own I suppose. I have seen many a band live that I was not really into but that was due to just so happening to be at whatever venue that night. I would never go out of my way to see a band just so I could say, "I saw them"- probably why I have never seen stuff like Metallica and Megadeth and well I
m good with that.
At fest it tends to be the same for me. Sure I could see all these bands that I already don't care for but is the point, I don't like their music sure they are probably good live but does that change the music?
Someone would once make comments to me about not watching the bands at Progpower, which I actually would take in some of most of them until this year. But honestly a lot of that stuff I don't care for, so if I don't like Mob Rules then I really do not see a point in setting through them just to be able to say to other geeks, "yeah I saw them" (now my penis is bigger than yours). And let's be honest here, that is what it is all about isn't it.
I've never really gone to a show "just to say that I saw them", but I've gone to shows because it was "something to do" or because I wanted to go out and that's where my friends were all going. Hence why I've skipped Metallica and the Black Sabbath tour. I saw Heaven & Hell with Dio and that was good enough for me. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to see bands that you've never seen live before. Variety is the spice of life as they say. I love Blind Guardian, but I'd be bored to tears if they headlined every festival I ever went to.

The main exception to this for me is Iron Maiden. I've seen em like 3 or 4 times now and the set lists and stage setups were different enough to keep me excited.
This year has been pretty damn great for seeing bands/artists I've always to wanted to see. Blaze Bayley, King Diamond, Ozzy/Tony/Geezer together, Death Angel, Grim Reaper and maybe Raven.

Sadly, with touring economics it's rough when a singer needs a tribute band to back him up.
This year has been pretty damn great for seeing bands/artists I've always to wanted to see. Blaze Bayley, King Diamond, Ozzy/Tony/Geezer together, Death Angel, Grim Reaper and maybe Raven.

Sadly, with touring economics it's rough when a singer needs a tribute band to back him up.

Don't even debate going to Raven dude. One of the best live acts hands down. They may not draw well, but they always play like they're in a stadium.
Don't even debate going to Raven dude. One of the best live acts hands down. They may not draw well, but they always play like they're in a stadium.

I remember when they cancelled back in 1985. It's doable but the cost in terms of travel, food and accommodation. Easily between $400-$500.
Don't even debate going to Raven dude. One of the best live acts hands down. They may not draw well, but they always play like they're in a stadium.

If for no other reason do it just so you can say you seen Raven. And even if you are not really into the band you should still pick up an album just so you will have something for the to sign.:rolleyes: