Anyone NOT of the "Collector Mentality"?

woosta said:
I'm 100% collector here. I want everything metal because I like being surrounded by metal "things" to really immerse myself in the listening.

4000 cds and 5 "35 gallon totes" full of shirts. If I knew how to post a picture, I'd post a cool one with some of my shirts.

Fuck yeah...that's the way to be Metal.

One of my favorite shirts is the LotFP shirt I bought from Jim Raggi and PPUSA 5. On the back is says, "Do not support Heavy Metal. Live it."

Rock on!
SkiBumMSP said:
As for the t-shirts and such. I'll buy the occasional t-shirt if I think it is cool, or if I really like the band. I am definitly not one of those ones that has to get a t-shirt at every show for every band.

Hey man...I've got an old, classic Black Sabbath tour shirt I'll sell you. I think it's from the British Steel tour in the late 70s.

Rock on!
I buy a lot of CD's of full-length studio albums, and there are a good number of bands from whom a new studio album is an almost guaranteed-buy for me. I rarely bother with EP's, I almost never get singles, and in the last few years have basically given up on live albums, compilations, cover albums, tribute albums, and various bullshit like that. I don't really buy DVD's anymore either, because the 4 - 5 that I have, I've watched once and never went back to. So it's not worth it for me. And I was never into owning multiple, slightly-different copies of the same album, picture discs, or anything like that. I want the one copy of the album that I'm going to listen to... I have no interest in extra copies for display purposes. I do on occassion get remastered discs, and that sort of thing, since that actually affects the listening experience. But I'm not going to spend time, money, or effort trying to get some rare, out-of-print, North Korean pressing just because it's rare.

As for shirts, I used to buy 1 or more shirt at every concert I went to... after a while though, I got to a point where I simply had far more shirts than I'd ever need to wear, and I also began to realize that blank t-shirts are more utilitarian. Also, as the average price rose from $20 to upwards of $35, my desire to spend double-digit amounts for a $3 Fruit Of The Loom shirt with screen-print, waned considerably. For old-times sake, I'll probably continue to get a shirt when I see an Iron Maiden show, but other than that, it has to be a really fantastic shirt for me to spend that kind of money on it.

As for downloaded digital music, I am not opposed to it in theory. As my collection grows, storage and organization becomes ever more challenging. However, while I'm not as tied as some people to the idea of having the physical packaging, right now I still can't bring myself to pay for a download, much less one that is lower quality than a CD. Also, I'm not presently able to use sound files in my car, or my home-stereo equipment, and I don't have nearly enough drive space to store the amount of music I have on CD. For me, the technology isn't quite there yet, but it very well might be in a few years.
I buy a shitload of CDs, but I am not sure If I qualify as a collector or not, as I don't buy any rare stuff anymore.. It's just for the music!
As a matter of fact I sold a whole bunch of my Angra rarities a few years back...
I still buy singles from my favorite bands every now and then, but not that many...
ashaman7122 said:
Hey man...I've got an old, classic Black Sabbath tour shirt I'll sell you. I think it's from the British Steel tour in the late 70s.

Rock on!

Geez! You guys are rough :muahaha:! I guess that is what I get for being lazy and not double checking my artist/album matchups. Next thing I know, I'll probably be at the ProgPower show and somebody will see me and yell something like "Hey, did you see Black Sabbath on the British Steel tour?" :OMG: Oh by the way, I was just listening to Stratovarius's Crimson Thunder album! It is quite good! :hypno: :lol:

Unfortunatly, I currently don't have a copy of Judas Priest's British Steel in my collection. I have no friggan idea what happened to that vinyl version I had. I think my oldest brother has it (in Minneapolis). So it has been an awefully long time since I've last heard it (and with all the friggan albums that I've heard/collected over the 30+ odd years, it is not like I can remember every damn thing that I've had/heard in the past!).

Hey, in the end it is all metal and all good! :rock:
woosta said:
I'm 100% collector here. I want everything metal because I like being surrounded by metal "things" to really immerse myself in the listening.

4000 cds and 5 "35 gallon totes" full of shirts. If I knew how to post a picture, I'd post a cool one with some of my shirts.

Secretly, in my heart, I wish I was you. :notworthy
As for downloads being of lesser quality, I've found that ripping at 192 or over is undetectable to my ears...either played as MP3 or converted to WAV (CD).

When I d/l, most of them are ripped at 256 or I cannot tell a difference at all.

Anything under 192 and I can begin to hear the "swishing" in them.
Just CDs for me. I haven't bought a concert shirt (outside of a PP shirt) for ages, but I used to buy one at every show. I have tons of CDs, and even more mp3s.

I consider myself more of a completist than a collector. For years, I always had to have every album from a band I liked. (I recall years and years ago wanting old Whitesnake since I liked Slide it In and the Self-titled, and being disappointed after snapping up a bunch of the old blues cassettes in a Sam Goody store). I've since gotten over that completist attitude a bit, and am able to recognize that certain albums by great bands just suck. Still I lean towards buying everything a band has put out. That's actually the main reason I never really got into Kiss. By the time they interested me, they had way too many albums for me to buy, so I just passed them over. :)

Steve in Philly