Not listening to that much metal, as of late...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Not sure why ... I guess I'm just not in the mood to headbang or listen to anything really loud or all that intense. I listened to DHIADW yesterday, because was getting concerned with how long it'd been since I listened to any Nevermore. I think it's Headbanger's Ball's fault ... how much of the stuff that they play every Saturday can really be considered metal? It's all of this hardcore/sreamo/emo/piss-poor wannabe death metal refuse. Every Time I Die, Avenged Sevenfold, As I Lay Dying, the Black Delish Murders, Killswitch Engage, etc., etc., etc. Pick a name out of a hat, they're all the same. I think I'll keep a running list tonight to see just how many of these bands they can fit into an hour and a half (they say it's a 2 hour show, don't fucking believe them!) Yesterday I bought Fiona Apple's Tidal, Hole's Celebrity Skin and Korn's Who, Then, Now/Deuce DVD for myself *hides from projectiles and missiles being fired at her*, and the s/t SOAD cd & a Slipknot DVD for the Hellspawn ... I love a lot of the songs on Tidal, but the sound on some of them made me realize why I listen to metal - because non-metal is the generic psuedo-music you hear everywhere. I'm thinking "The Learning" or Opeth's Orchid may help bring me back to where I belong.

That was another pointless rambling from your friendly ... err, angsty forum angsty teen.
I haven't been listening to much music at all lately


hm...must be sick...and what I have been listening to has mostly been electronic stuff
max listen to cryptopsy
oh yeah i been listeing to alot of sonata arctica and rhapsody
and the usualy daily blind guardian nevermore and cryptopsy
its kind of funny one minute fruity rhapsody and the next minute crytpopsy
I've also been listening to Agalloch lately...nothing bad with that though

right now I'm listening to Ulver's "Kveldssanger"
but to each his own. They played some Morbid Angel last week. They played Children of Bodom and Iced Earth a few weeks ago and I like those bands so its not as bad for me.
ive been getting into a bit of black metal and 'post-black' lately. used to be one of my more despised genres but i can dig some of this. ive found some stuff i really enjoy. and of course ive been listening to plenty of ambient techno for sleeping/smoking puroses. and KMFDM.
When I find myself all metaled out, I usually turn to my jazz or classical collections. There are few ills in this world that a little Bach cannot cure. I really enjoy both of Fiona Apple's albums, and I eagerly await the theoretical eventual release of her third. I wouldn't categorize it as "generic pseudo-music" at all. Her second album is stronger than Tidal and feels more jazzy and less pop oriented. Another artist I have really been enjoying outside the realm of metal is Richard Bona, a bass player from Cameroon who mixes up jazz and African styles in a really interesting way, with vocals sung all in his native tongue. I also recommend The Gipsy Kings (especially Love y Liberte) as a good change of pace. And, of course, there are times when the oppressive weight of the more bleak and depressing black/death in my collection gets unbearable and I need a rock-n-roll enema to clean me out. I reach right for CoC's Deliverance, Monster Magnet's Powertrip, and anything by AC/DC. Monstrous power chords up the ass. :headbang:
neal said:
ive been getting into a bit of black metal and 'post-black' lately. used to be one of my more despised genres but i can dig some of this. ive found some stuff i really enjoy. and of course ive been listening to plenty of ambient techno for sleeping/smoking puroses. and KMFDM.

heh, I saw Drudkh in your NP once recently and I almost shit myself.
shit Ive never heard of. I rarley met people who know bands I dont , but when it comes to black metal and shit you guys rock. I mean I like Mayhem and ANcient , burzum, Gorgoroth and some other shit like that but where do you find these bands??? I must know. I like Mithotyn and Midvinter also.
I usually find obscure black metal bands by browsing other people's playlists and just randomly downloading whatever looks good.
