Not listening to that much metal, as of late...

None of you bastards got the new ministry album yet? Its not the best ever, but its good and growing on me.

Also getting more and more KMFDM. They rule. Tour soon here. Woo.
The paper bag I understand but the treadmill Im a little confused by.
Well, once at Amos's house, a friend of ours did jumping jacks on the tredmill ... while naked. But I am at a loss for what the paper bag would be used for :muahaha:

Amos is alive, by the way. She's prorobly given up on this place though. But my sorry ass isn't leaving :kickass: LMAO. That was just weird...
Man, they don't do JUMPING JACKS on trampolines! You haven't lived until you've seen a 98 lb. girl doing jumping jacks naked on a tredmill ... then seen said 98 lb girl almost be engulfed by a could of flames after squirting an entire bittle on campfire fluid on a pile of sticks and throwing a match onto it ... You live an entertaining life when one of your best friends is a combination exhibitionist/pyromanic :flame: