So much wrong-ness...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Okay,big long story that you may find either amusing,stupid or,as I said,WRONG
Today in math class.we had about a half an hour to kill at the end of class.We had a substitute and she let us just do whatever.So I stay in my chair and work on this story that I'm writing while several other girls next to me get out their cd players and compare music...Nelly,Justin Timberlake,Mary J.Bligh,etc.That's where the wrong-ness begins.Some of them ask me about the music I listen to...and them the conversation becomes about how they can't stand my music and I can't stand their's.Then this one girl(some retard who's into R&B,whatever the hell that is)talks to me about the music I listen to.At first she says "Well,you[meaning me]'re all into rap music-",I swiftly correct her by saying "No,I can't stand rap.I'm into metal." Then she just plain insults me by saying "Oh well,same thing." I attempt to tell her "No,they are not the same thing.",but fail miserably.The girl tells me "I don't mean to be mean,but the music you listen to is just disgusting."...umm,yeah,she doesn't mean to be mean...yet she also doesn't realize that there's no way you can call something disgusting without sounding "mean".And she goes on the list the ways in which the music I listen to is "disgusting",one of her reasons being-you can't understand anything that's being said.I try to reason w/her by saying "No,that's mainly just death metal.",then she rolls her eyes and says,"Yeah,death metal,what's all that about?"Fortunatly,at that point,my friend,Shane, came into the room and I turned away from her to talk to him and listen to some of his cds. one carse,do they?
this is where my little postcard which i got at hot topic comes into play, but before i quote the postcard... just be happy that you are more educated than them when it comes to music...

"You all laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you're all the same."
I have a shirt that says the same thing,dsm.But I stopped wearing it when my 8th grade science teacher told me that she liked it.When that happens,the whole purpose of the message on the shirt is just defeated.And I've just realized that not that many people are laughing:rolleyes:
Okay,Pilgrim,you're right about them being idiots...regardless of wether of not you were serious about it.
I feel your pain DND. The masses of fools will never open their minds up to great music. They're all stuck in their 3-minute Bum-bum-bum-baaaaa bass loop over and's probably best not to try to explain something they'll never understand.:devil:
Their ignorance makes me want to explode*references jimbobhickville's old sig:D * My biggest gripe about the whole situation was that that girl called my music "disgusting" because she "can't undersatnd what they're saying".I mean,this girl listens to r&b,so how much of what she determines to be "my music" has she heard?What,Korn?Linkin Park?These poeple don't even know what I listen to,so they shouldn't even be talking about "my music".The stuff I listen to-Nevermore, Opeth, Metallica,Tool,etc.-has far more talent and artistic value than someone like Nelly or Justin Timberlake.If the majority of the population believes that those things are music,then they are incredibly dilluted.And if they believe that "metal"(what they think is metal;bands like Korn who only just about scrath the surface of metal)is a "bad" thing because they believe that all it talks about is death and anger and violence,they are being fed nothing but stereotypes and other ppl's opinions.And that's just pathetic.
yep, and something else that screws with people's perception (spelled wrong?) of metal are the bands that the mainstream television and radio stations pick out, call metal, and feed to the people that watch and listen for their pop music. these bands, such as *already stated* Korn, Linkin Park *end already stated, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Mudvayne.... these bands give people the idea that metal is just alot of screaming and noise. i bet if we showed these MTV-weened groups of pop-industry zombies Dreaming Neon Black (the song), The Sanity Assassin, One, Fade to Black, and Nothing Else Matters; they'd change their minds fairly quickly
I find the story kind of stupid because I go through that shit every fucking day."oh, look at the rocker" or when I walk by I hear "fucking rocker" mumbled.
BTW, liking metallica is a large misconception, because followed by that is the tune of I DISSAPEAR.That shit makes me fucking cringe
Well,RP,at least thet don't call the music you listen to "disgusting" or compare it to rap,saying that it's the same thing.That was actually the first time I'd heard anything like that.And I said that you may find my story stupid.But what they all said didnt't bother me all that much.I just thought that I'd share it w/everyone here because they might find it as humourus or annoying as I did.
And,dsm,if any onethe songs you listed were played for mainstreamers,I think it would lead them to think "Oh,this is like funreal music[don't ask me how I got that],so it's still all about death."But I'd like to hear that one girl's reaction if I let her listen to "Dreaming Neon Black",like "Can you understand what he's saying?":lol:
don't know about that DNDS, meallica got some BAD songs.

Believe me, I get pretty bad classifications of metal at school.Put it this way,

moron>>>"you're a rocker?"
me>>>"no, I fucking hate rock music'
moron>>>"what do you like then?"
me>>>"heavy music.... I guess one can call it metal"
moron>>>"who cares it's all the same, loud noises and people you can't understand"
me>>>"you're ignorant"
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
"it sucks" says the penguin
"i like it" says the mask of dead skin

opinions are opinions

cmon man, if you had I DISSAPEAR on youre MOP CD as the first track, you WOULD skip it.