Confederate Flag Racist?

Dreamlord said:
Mullett? Me? No way. I wouldn't say I look like a computer nerd either. I don't have glasses or wear high-water pants or suspenders.
Speaking of which, did anyone see "Average Joe" last night? Oh man, talk about trash tv. I had to flick the channel when one of the nerds actually started to cry.
When I see the Conferderate Flag I picture the following things:

The General Lee
Miss Daisy
The two fags that never realised 'The General Lee' had two fucking doors
The Sheriff
and the Fat Cunt in the white suit

oh's 'The Dukes of Hazard'. :)
Those dudes were my heroes when I was 3. I didn't see them again for about 15 years, and I watched for about 3 minutes before shutting it off. Those dudes are dorks!