Confessions of a (almost) Chain Smoker

Can't stop. Started smoking purely out of boredom at work (I wish I had a better reason but it was a real case of "This job is boring, I'm going to start smoking") at 19, now 23 and at about half a pack a day. Cigarettes in Japan are cheap, 300 yen for a pack of 20 (about $3.00) versus $9/pack in NY. Craaaaap.
My advice for anyone looking to give up cigarettes is first to move to roll ups. Manufactured cigarettes are full of chemicals (I'm sure many of them are very addictive, in addition to the nicotine). The only downside is can also get psychologically addicted to the process of rolling.

I used to smoke a lot, more than I would like to say (I would wake up in the middle of the night because I needed a smoke). I gave up 6 years ago, I just stopped one day and that was it. It was like a gray cloud lifted from my face within the first few days. I didn't go out for months as I didn't want to be in social situations where people were smoking. Unfortunately for several months afterwards I started drinking heavily to replace the addiction. Smoking really is a disgusting habit, it doesn't get you wasted like drugs, in fact it actually does nothing apart from rot your body. Every time you smoke a cigarette, remember what a sucker you have been for the sales routine, as there's no logical reason to do something which costs money, offers you no positive effects and makes your body deteriorate.
Start when I was 13, now almost 23. I, when I have the money, actually chainsmoke. A lighter lasts me about two months because I light each smoke off of it's predecessor. I don't really want to quit, either. I've noticed no bad effects (yet) to my health. The bad effects I have are due to being an overweight stress-freak.
I smoked a pack of Djarum Blacks a day for about 6 years and also drank. I would wake up in the morning and take a deep breath and it would feel like my lungs were ripping. So, I decided that I'm either going to smoke or drink, so I gave up smoking 2 years ago. What is scary about giving up smoking is that now you have all this energy that comes from out of nowhere when you stop that you don't know what to do with. So, I drink to get rid of it. haha
I'm afraid to smoke a Djarum Black today bc it's my favorite cig. Oh, well, I don't like any cigs but Djarum anyway and I hear they are illegal now.
I barely smoke enough to be called a smoker. A pack will last me a month because most days I don't even feel like smoking any. I just like the feeling you get. Where I live in Canada, a pack will cost you AT LEAST 10 dollars, so it's something of a financial commitment. I lucked out because I live next to a Native reserve where there are no taxes and you can buy cigarettes somewhat cheaply