Confessions of a Hotel Housekeeper

I wasn't aware we were supposed to tip hotel housekeepers. It makes sense if you leave your hotel room a sty (like a couple of Met-Al's friends did at PP7...) but then, most people who leave their rooms unnaturally messy probably aren't the type to leave a tip.

It seems everyone in this thread at least makes an effort to clean up the messes left by others in their room. Which is interesting: It's OTHER people leaving the mess. How inconsiderate.

The people I go with are generally pretty tidy, so our room at the Rengency was maybe a little rumpled after each night, but otherwise clean. I think all the housekeeping staff really needed to do was make the beds.
Okay, seriously......who does this?
I'd like to know the same thing ... Although Nick and I had our suspicions at the time ... I just hope it was a matter of being a little too drunk and not someone who was just being an asshole on purpose. Either way I hope this person learned their lesson and controls themselves (and their bowels) a little more in the future ... for my sake and the cleaning lady's. :lol: