
Bleak Harvest

Mar 23, 2005
Hey there. Long time Opeth fan, not so long time poster at UM.

I've been listening to Opeth for around three years now and I think their music is the dogs bollocks. I never got a chance to see them back when I lived in England, because everything went tits up when I tried to plan it. Now I'm living in the U.S. and I've got a chance to go to the show at Towson, Recher Theatre in Maryland.

Here's the shite part though, none of my buddies are here to with it with me, so I'd be going on me tod. And that's my problem. I really want to go, but don't wanna end up feeling like an arse because I don't have any of my mates there with me to share the experience. Anyone here go on there own just to see an Opeth show? I'm more than loyal enough, but don't wanna feel like the only one there by himself :zzz:
well.. you can make friends there.. all opeth fans are really friendly, i guess.... if not, you can still have a great time by yourself.

I remember i went to a dimmu brogir concert all by myself.... it was a bad experience, not because i was alone, but you know.... ok bad example!
Alright, if I were to end up going.. what's the best way to get the tickets -- the one on the official website?
Well, most of my mates are either cheap, have shite taste in music or go to uni futher down the country. I went to see In Flames upporting Motorhead by myself (and it seems i will be again), I don't think i've got anyone to go and see Dragonforce with. Although it's a different sitauation, I watched Rise Against by myself at Leeds 2005 because all my mates had gone to watch Razorlight and Kings of Leon (i caught the end of KoL's set; awful and i'd seen Razorlight before). If it's not far just go it's worth it.
Gotta love slang. Aussie slang is the best, though.

I went to 2 Opeth shows on my own when last they were out, cos my mates could only afford one show. You meet people there. I ended up getting stoned with a bloke with joints at one of 'em, and the other I ended up seeing people I knew anyway.
maybe dogs are super dooper good so they cancel out the badness of bollocks?

im looking at going to on of the melbourne shows alone... im underage and my mates who would usually consider going are all pussies and think theyll get arrested and shit. but im a tough man:p
i wouldnt go alone, simply b/c im female and on the young side and a metal concert, especially in the areas where i could go r not good places for a girl to be by herself. that and my friends r all poor college students. no money for anything. if i was male id go tho.