Confused about MMA


May 26, 2003
Anytown, USA
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Excuse me if this is a stupid question, but I always thought that MMA was going to be a "live in the studio" record, but these interviews we've all seen lately indicate that they've been recording the vocal tracks and stuff like that. Is it a regular album and a live dvd, or what is going on here?
it's kind of half and half.... basically, it's kind of like a what KISS passes off as an actual live record... they recorded all the songs live and are touching up this and that in the studio. i believe john is redoing all the vocals though.
i htought the idea of doing it live in the studio was to get a great live feel to it all,i didnt think they were going to touch it up at all,they might as well done it as a studio recording.
Thats how its done it seems.You record a live show, and then you overdub anything you want with a studio take. If youve seen the SOD Budokan DVD, youll see Charlie and Scott and Dan redoing takes of live SOD tracks that were released on the Speak English or Die re release disc.

I personally hate when bands do this, especially for video. If its going to be live it should be totally live. I want the live performance not a studio track.
MMA was recorded live in the studio last winter. The band set up in one room at Avatar studios and tore through 18 songs over two days. The session was loud, fast, heavy and VERY raw, that being said there were a couple of spots were there was some "bleed through" that affected the vocals so John, Scott, and Frank had to touch up a couple things when it came to vocals. But overall, these songs are exactly as they were recorded. You will not be dissapointed.

In addition, as a treat for the fans, the band decided to take an extra day, invite some friends, family, and fans into the studio for a special in-studio performance of some of the songs that will appear on the album. While this performance was filmed and recorded, these will not be the versions that appear on the CD. We are working on putting out a DVD of that show (possibly with the record) and may use some of those live recordings as extras.
No not Mr. Wu. There can be only one.
But he does have it right.
Rob started mixing yesterday and it will have a "proper" mix.
at this point i dont care i want the damn thing to come out, the best of the old songs with the newer lineup. it shouldn't take this long, record it a couple times pick the best of the 3 or 4 recordings and then do that with the next track and so on and so on.
Actually most of the songs were done in one take, with just a few needing to be done twice.

The reason for the delay is because Anthrax put out Music Of Mass Destruction this past spring and the label wanted this to come out in the fall. It was recorded last January because that was the only time the band had enough time off of the road to get it done.
I think its kind of odd Anthrax would release a live album with a DVD and then do the same thing just with Joey Belladonna era songs, BOTH IN A ROW!!! I'd prefer it be Bush studio tracks than ANOTHER live album in the SAME YEAR!!
i don't think it's a big deal. if the music is good then that's all that matters.

but i'm baffled as to why do it 'live' and then polish over the mistakes.

the only reason i can think of is maybe it's cheaper to do it 'live' in one day, and then punch in the overdubs here and there.

i'm sure it will kick ass.

MR WU- what happened to calling it 'new school old school our school' or similar (i think it was mentioned in an alphamail as a possible title). no one knows what the hell an "aeternum" is!!!??

MMD is too close to MMA- call it something different than with 2 Ms!!
I thought they were just playing Live in the Studio, thats what Scott kept telling us. back when they were first talking about it. I wish they would just hurry up & do it
yeah i want it to be Caught In A Box too that would be killer, i must have missed that along the line, ima ashamed o well thats life, i've asked all the latin teachers at my college and they dont knwo what aeternum is either. alot of help they are.
Well this isn't exactly a live album. It's a studio album, however it was done all together in one room rather than every istrument seperately. The overall base tracks of the recording were done live so it gets a very jamming feel...but it will still be touched up so that it's "perfect" will just have more energy and not as "sterile" as a typical studio recording. (But, I must say, WCFYA isn't "sterile" sounding at all. badass production!)