Perhaps this entire thread could have been avoided if the USA would only act within the bounds of its own Constitution and the wisdom of those men who founded her. Sadly, this is not the case, and has not been the case for over a hundred years. So where does this leave us? Nowhere good, that is for sure. This 'war' if it can even be called that will be a disaster resulting in more terrorists attacks, more freedoms being taken away BY OUR GOVERNMENT... and it will all avail nothing. If we are to eradicate terrorism worldwide... Let's start a bit closer than the Middle East. Here in the USA for example. Organizations such as the utterly demented ELF (Earth Liberation Front) are not shy about their acts of terror, yet the US Government does nothing... along those lines... will the we be going after the IRA? I think not. Again, what this entire ordeal boils down to is... years and years of unconstitutional and imperialistic foreign policy eventually blew up in our faces... however, as opportunistic as ever, the US Government seized the chance to do now what it could have only dreamed of doing just over a month ago. That is to restrict your freedoms while increasing its own. As James Madison said, "Crisis is the rallying cry of tryants." Of course, ordinary Americans pay that no heed, they are blinder than sheep. Even without the government-fed propaganda, they would all virtually still be walking in lock-step never questioning. So, we will terrorize them to no avail and they will terrorize us back in return. This solves what exactly? Rather, once more, it is about time we as a country turned back to our great founding document and the wisdom of those who gave it to us... before it is too late. Though it may be rightly argued that we past that line long ago.