Connecting an ADA MP-1


May 11, 2009
After seeing a few threads about MP-1's I thought Id dig mine out and fire it up to see if it still worked. I want to see if I can get better results with this our maybe just a different flavor then the usual SoloC, 8505, setup Ive been using lately so I want to see how this thing sounds with a few of the Impules we use. Well, it works but Im having trouble connecting it to my set up. I run a Delta 44 and a DMP3. Using the outputs of the MP-1 or the loop, into the Input of the Delta44 sounds like a Chainsaw? Do I need to run into the DMP3? I figured the MP-1 Was my preamp so no need for for the DMP3? Or am I wrong? Anyway I know somebody has the answer to this.
Are you applying an impulse to the preamp track? If not, then there's your answer! ;) And if so, the Delta 44 might be set up to directly monitor the analog input even before A/D conversion - regardless, that's a normal sound for a direct preamp signal, so not to worry there!
+1 to what Marcus said, that's how a preamp sounds before it hits a poweramp and speaker cab (an impulse). No worries.