
I don't see the issue... Just an ultraconservative website promoting ultraconservative views....

No difference from the million other ultraliberal/ultraconservative sites out there.
I don't see the issue... Just an ultraconservative website promoting ultraconservative views....

No difference from the million other ultraliberal/ultraconservative sites out there.

Hear, hear!

I certainly shy away from liberal/ultra-liberal websites, but I respect their right to exist.

Que es problemo?

Popular Articles at Conservapedia

#1 Evolution
#2 Atheism

but of course . . . They are obsessed with trying to debunked Evolution. The insanity drives me mad! Dam fucktards have got it in their heads that if they somehow debunk Evolution it would some how prove the Bible to be true . . . which of course couldn't be further from the truth. I tell these fucktards almost everyday that it's the Bible itself that makes me not believe it, not Evolution dammit! (talking about the creotards)
Popular Articles at Conservapedia

#1 Evolution
#2 Atheism

but of course . . . They are obsessed with trying to debunked Evolution. The insanity drives me mad! Dam fucktards have got it in their heads that if they somehow debunk Evolution it would some how prove the Bible to be true . . . which of course couldn't be further from the truth. I tell these fucktards almost everyday that it's the Bible itself that makes me not believe it, not Evolution dammit! (talking about the creotards)

I can agree with you 100% here.

My values tend to lean right, as a conservative...but I in no way agree with 100% of what "conservatives" have to say or prove.

I'm a registered Republican (edit: mostly because of my conservative views about government, which unfortunately Republicans rarely stand for anymore) and a radical atheist.
I have recently moved from conservative to libertarian, because it just makes more sense than the liberal or conservative ideology.

I just see the US moving way to far away from what it was founded on, and even though I am a republican, they are as guilty as the democrats.
I don't see the issue... Just an ultraconservative website promoting ultraconservative views....

No difference from the million other ultraliberal/ultraconservative sites out there.

This is just the first one I've found from either stance. :loco:

I have no issue with them promoting ultraconservative political views, it's the way they try to look like a valid source of valid information regarding non-political issues, when everything is so obviously biased and skewed and sometimes even just plain wrong. It seems more to me a creationist propaganda site than anything else, which is where my issue lies.

I'm sure there are liberal sites that are just as biased and wrong (a quick google search indicates that many label wikipedia as "liberal pedia") but I don't know of any that fly in the face of science and try to discredit scientific theories by cherry picking quotes from experts on given issues.

It's these sorts of viewpoints that can give conservatives a bad name in my opinion. I have no issues with conservativism in a political sense. It's when weird bronze age superstition is openly and unashamedly attached to it as a driving force behind political decisions that I get uncomfortable. Hence the :puke: at
Popular Articles at Conservapedia

#1 Evolution
#2 Atheism

but of course . . . They are obsessed with trying to debunked Evolution. The insanity drives me mad! Dam fucktards have got it in their heads that if they somehow debunk Evolution it would some how prove the Bible to be true . . . which of course couldn't be further from the truth. I tell these fucktards almost everyday that it's the Bible itself that makes me not believe it, not Evolution dammit! (talking about the creotards)

^This. Also funny is the section about "Social effects of the theory of evolution" and the immediately following images of Stalin and Hitler. Haha. "See? it causes bad things, therefore it is untrue. Learn no more about it."
I just don't understand why you guys even bother looking at this type of stuff if you know it's gonna piss you off - unless you like being pissed off? I know I don't :loco:
On a side note I just read the first chapter from Dawkin's new book "The Greatest Show on Earth." Seems to me it will be much better than The God Delusion.
"Gallup's analysis says religiosity outweighs educational level in shaping views on evolution"
i LOVE that sentance
a little random, but... I'm leaning a bit toward creationism these days. Instead of starting a thread on here, I would like to invite some people to have a friendly debate with me on evolution and maybe a little conservative vs lib stuff. For some reason I'm fired up for some debating!

you can reach me on aim!