
I can also argue that most (if not all) the wars of mankind where the result of religious differences (including that which leads to racism in Hitler's and other organizations like the KKK). I would like someone to mention some type of war that was caused by any atheist group, becuase as of now, I am not to sure that has ever happened.

well i wouldn't be the one arguing with you on any of those points, ;)
I should have posted the main article that I read because I somehow knew that you were going to ask for credentials, but my bad.

You're quoting an article - lifted from a book by a pair of authors whose only background seems to be the ability to make a webpage (titled, reassuringly enough, 'Kontext - Forum For Border Science') - on a webpage that recommends other articles like 'Activate & Heal DNA With Sacred Geometry Resonance', sucks on the '9-11 Truth' teat like its life depends on it, and will be offering 'University Level Curriculm' [sic]' in fields like 'Advanced Technology', 'Spiritual Science', 'Applied Metaphysics', 'Environmental Clearing & Balancing', 'Subtle Energy', 'Sacred Geometry Health & Healing', and 'Unconventional Scientific Training'.

That's actually a step *down*.

I know you're new to the whole academia thing, but you really should learn a few things about credible sources. However, if that seems like too much work I have a few self-paced courses in 'Unconventional Divinely-Proportioned Advanced Postmodern Metaphysical Spiritual Sacred Geometric Subtle Energy Matrix Healing, Renormalizing, Ultrafiltering, And Balancing' available for quite reasonable prices... these will surely help you achieve your full metaspiritual potential and guarantee successful psychohormonal timecubing.
