Conservatives Against Bush


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Hey, we haven't had a political thread for awhile have we?

Anyhow, I voted for the Main Monkey nearly three years ago (only because McCain lost the primary, d'oh) but I just cannot stand the guy anymore. The farce of his international policy is what gets me really, Afghanistan made sense (we were attacked by the Taliban backed Al Qaeda), but why Iraq? What will happen in North Korea six months from now? Is Iran still on the next to decimate list?

This is the first political website where I almost completely agree with, probably because it is still small, and seems to be bullshit free.

"Round 1, keep it clean..." :Spin:
You know what I don't get? The Bush admin are asking other countries to go help out in Iraq...? I mean, hello? Haven't we all realized now that this turned out to be a farce...? Why are people still insistent that Iraq is this massive threat for all their hoardes of nuclear weapons? Er...where are the weapons?

And don't we know for sure that North Korea have actual nukes? Didn't we know this before invading Iraq? Aren't the Koreans parading their weapons in the streets?

For crissakes, what's up with this picture. Damn. Bush surely has turned out to be the dumbest president in US history. Like you say, even devout Republicans are dismissing him at this point.

The voting scandal of the last election should never happen again. There has to be better contingency planning.
I voted for Bush in 2000... but I do not support him anymore. His Iraqi war will go down as one of the most disgusting acts in history.
I like Howard Dean, may even vote for him if he wins the primary.

My prediction from late last year was that John Kerry will be our next president, if anything for his Presidential Hair. Plus he seems really tall, and I think since TV was invented the taller candidate has always won the election.

Things are coming to a head. I predicted Bush's downfall in July '02, and it is almost here. We will see such an extreme backlash that near revolution may occur. His presidency has been tainted by controversy even before he took his oath, and instead of playing it nice and moderate he stomped on his imperialist bandwagon with such force it shocked Hitler.

Jeezus, I'm a radical conservative myself, but not the global domination tunnel visioned type. :)
The Bush Administration have consistently lied and covered up their efforts for this immense invasion of Iraq. From the six months prior to the war, they were beating their chests about WMD. During the war, when they found no WMD, they were beating their chests about how cruel the regime was and how right they were in the invasion.

Iraq is now worse off than before. The promises by the USA to help rebuild the country are a farce. The oilfields are a mess, the soldiers are dying everyday (we just lost another Brit soldier this morning), a UN ambassdor was killed during the explosion at the UN HQ and the Red Cross are pulling out of Iraq.

What was the real reason why we went to war? In the UK, Blair is being grilled by the Hutton Inquiry which is shaking the foundation of British politics.

Whatever happens these clowns will loose their ivory thrones but the world has become an even shittier place to live.
ChiefB said:
the soldiers are dying everyday (we just lost another Brit soldier this morning), a UN ambassdor was killed during the explosion at the UN HQ and the Red Cross are pulling out of Iraq.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "Support Our Troops" and it had both a US and UK flag. I think this is the only time I've seen a bumper sticker like that without just the US flag.

On the other hand, this whole 'support our troops' thing doesn't work in the UK. First of all, there really isn't any debate out there as to whether they think the war is wrong or not so they'll never support the war (or Blair), and secondly, they don't have all these memories to contend with of the way Vietnam vets were treated.

Kind of weird how the perceptions are so different. It's almost like an obligatory thing here to support the troops - whether you agree with the war or not. Very strange actually.
JayKeeley said:
Kind of weird how the perceptions are so different. It's almost like an obligatory thing here to support the troops - whether you agree with the war or not. Very strange actually.
I'm not sure what is worse, the sterile outpouring of support for US troops over the last couple of years or the horrific treatment of DRAFTED soldiers from Vietnam.
I just find it very hard to support our soldiers when you know full well the cause they're fighting for is bent. I mean, I just can't do it! I wonder what they're thinking as well - do they know they're being manipulated to the extreme, or have they just blindly accepted everything they've been told.
Of course, when you're a soldier you've just got to do your, I could never be a soldier! :D

LOS ANGELES TIMES -- Allied intelligence agencies are conducting an
investigation to see if they were purposefully misled by bogus Iraqi
defectors who gave false information concerning Baghdad's suspected
stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) before the war, the
Los Angeles Times reports.

The investigation aims to find out "if false information was put out
there and got into legitimate channels and we were totally duped on
it," said one U.S. intelligence official.

"We're reinterviewing all our sources of information on this. This
is the entire intelligence community, not just the U.S.," the
official said.

Former Iraqi intelligence agents claim that Baghdad sent false
defectors to the West to distribute phony intelligence. Iraq may
have also sent misleading information through legitimate defectors.
I had to read this twice to make sure I didn't miss something. What the fuck!?!?! "Hey, go tell the yanks we have WMD, that will surely further our cause!" Again: what the fuck?!?!? Would the public really be foolish enough to buy into this?
JayKeeley said:
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "Support Our Troops" and it had both a US and UK flag. I think this is the only time I've seen a bumper sticker like that without just the US flag.

On the other hand, this whole 'support our troops' thing doesn't work in the UK. First of all, there really isn't any debate out there as to whether they think the war is wrong or not so they'll never support the war (or Blair), and secondly, they don't have all these memories to contend with of the way Vietnam vets were treated.

Kind of weird how the perceptions are so different. It's almost like an obligatory thing here to support the troops - whether you agree with the war or not. Very strange actually.

no shit. bush is turning into another hitler if you ask me...only worse cause he's justifying his actions by hiding behind religious dogma...

I never supported his administration, I voted green party (Ralph Nader)...I hate it that in the state I'm in (texas) you're considered a "traitor" if you didn't support the war...I mean, what's wrong with oposing the senseless bombing of poverty-stricken children and sending other people's children (our troops) to do his dirty deed? george w. bush can go and fuck himself. he is the embodiment of true evil.
iconbertone said:
no shit. bush is turning into another hitler if you ask me...only worse cause he's justifying his actions by hiding behind religious dogma...

Heh...last time I pointed of this out I was flamed for "having no understanding of WW2. By an American christian and an Israeli, of all people :loco:

NAD - that story's totally spun me out. Is it for real, man? Baghdad sends bogus defectors to pretty much help assure they'll get invaded? Am I missing something?
Yeah that fucked with my head too! I mean, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever! The only thing I could guess would be the Bush admin. trying to come up with SOMETHING to bail out of the WMD debacle. Either that or a bored journalist...

The LA Times is a reputable source though, as well as Periscope, where I got the information from.
NAD said:
Would the public really be foolish enough to buy into this?

Only the ones who refuse to change their opinions on principle: "How could America possibly be wrong about anything? No way. Those pesky varmin towelheads - they must've duped us! Yeah...that must be what happened...damn them...damn them all to hell!".

And to balance the equation, if any weapons were actually found now, some people will believe that the evidence was planted to save face and that in the future, apes will rule the world.
"Today we spank the monkey, but tomorrow the monkey will spank us! DAMN YOUS!!! IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG!!!"
--Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
"I hate every monkey that I see,
from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z,
no you'll never make a monkey out of me!

Oh my god, I was wrong!
It was earth all along!
Yes you finally made a monkey,
Yes you finally made a monkey,
Yes you finally made a monkey out of me...!!!"

- The Simpsons

All together now...Dr Zeus Dr Zeus....
Dr Zeus Dr Zeus...
Dr Zeus Dr Zeus...
Dr Zeus Dr Zeus...

The Simpsons has the most clever musicals I've ever seen, nearly impossible to pick a favorite.