if I ever want to have a new girlfriend, I better damn love kids.
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: Remember that one Married... With Children when Kelly had her own show? DUN-NAH! DUN-NAH! DUN-NAH! DUN-NAH! DUN-NAH! DUN-NAH! KIDS!!!
Kids are great. Teenagers are fine if you know how to handle them. I'm confident in my ability not to raise a total shithead, so if I ever run into someone who will allow me to impregnate her I'll probably take her up on the offer.
I don't hate Conspicuously Absent; he makes me smile.
Damnit, Andrew, I don't understand how you could be so put off by children. Some long days at work, seeing a little kid totally awestruck by the simplest things, smiling, happy, curious, outgoing, and all that seems like the only thing that keeps me from losing it.
Not sure whether to feel sorry for you or just be confused.
For the most part, kids are annoying. I have several Couple Friends that bug the shit out of me and the woman to getmarried/havekids and I say "yeah yeah yeah, eventually" most of the time. The people we care about most (me ma & me grammaw and her ma & her sister, respectively) never make mention of it, or actively discourage both forms of behaviour.
Some long days at work somebody brings their child to work(sick, babysitter sick, whatever). The child is quiet at first, then it gets bored... and starts yelling. Or it starts playing with somebody, and starts yelling. Or 59060985797 people swarm around the child and start making annoying noises because they are obligated to ooooohhh and ahhhh over children. Also annoying.
You (people)may feel I'm missing something, but if I can live what I consider to be a fulfilling and meaningful existence without them... why not?